Sad that JLR have done this! Would have been ideal for me right now!
I wanted to have SoC to HA for 80% charging restriction and Built it this way:
ABRP connected to OBD BLE dongle getting the data to ABRP server. Pulling data from ABRP API to HA. Happy to share if it helps anyone
This is what comes as Standard, there might be even More data available.
{“status”: “ok”, “result”: {“telemetry”: {“soh”: 99, “soc”: 92.55591054313099, “batt_temp”: 21, “is_charging”: 0, “ext_temp”: 20.5, “speed”: 0, “power”: 0.8400315, “lat”: 60.291992, “lon”: 25.0432664, “heading”: 30, “elevation”: 27.0, “calib_ref_cons”: 255.0642367510931}, “timestamp”: “2024-09-12 14:01:19.750000+00:00”, “typecode”: “jaguar:ipace:19:90:other”, “name”: “Irmaliisa”, “vehicle_id”: 1002385033046, “user_id”: 932614, “telemetry_type”: “obdble”, “is_connected”: true}}
Anyone find the solution ? Thanks for your help!
I created a automation to charge from 00h to 07h (cheapest energy hour in Portugal) inserting manualy the SoC the car have and the SoC I desire.
The Wallbox starts charging at 00h and it stops after a delay calculated with the following fornulas (the variables are in portuguese):
I have the following "input variables - input_number):
- jaggy_soc_manual (the actual SoC when I connect the car getting home in %);
- jaggy_soc_pretendido (the SoC I want in %).
- jaggy_corrente (the current my Wallbox will charge to in Amps).
soc: "{{ states('input_number.jaggy_soc_manual') }}"
soc_pretendido: "{{ states('input_number.jaggy_soc_pretendido') }}"
soc_calculo: "{{ soc_pretendido - soc }}"
corrente: "{{ states('input_number.jaggy_corrente') }}"
tempo_carregamento: >-
{{ ( soc_calculo / (corrente * 0.30) + 1 ) if soc_pretendido == 100 else (
soc_calculo / (corrente * 0.30) ) if soc < 10 else ( soc_calculo / (corrente
* 0.30) ) if soc < 20 else ( soc_calculo / (corrente * 0.30) ) if soc < 30
else ( soc_calculo / (corrente * 0.29) ) if soc < 40 else ( soc_calculo /
(corrente * 0.30) ) if soc < 50 else ( soc_calculo / (corrente * 0.30) ) if
soc < 60 else ( soc_calculo / (corrente * 0.30) ) if soc < 70 else (
soc_calculo / (corrente * 0.30) ) if soc < 80 else ( soc_calculo / (corrente
* 0.30) ) if soc < 90 else ( soc_calculo / (corrente * 0.30) ) }}
tempo: "{{ tempo_carregamento * 60 }}"
Then I use the variable “tempo” do delay the off of my Wallbox.
You can change the 0,29 to 0,30 constants (and above that interval… and still working on that) to your needs if it is now stopping in the correct timing. Be aware that that variable is in a denominator formula… if you increase that value, the charging time will be lower).
I contacted jaguar support today for an unrelated issue and they made me retrieve an “access code” from a secret button in the app.
Go to more then long press the version number. You get a (probably Base 64) encoded string.
Not sure if it really is an access code but they said it was. Might be of vague value?
Can you post the 1st and last 3 digits of your ‘code’ - we can then see if it’s likely a common thing or unique to the user/install? (and/or what they asked you to with it, or what they wanted it for?)
Mine start u+1 and end 0s=
Mine start f1C and end uQ=
Mine starts Dd7 and ends 0o7=
They’re chasing an issue where journeys don’t show up for a day or two.
They have my name, address, registration plate and that code in order to do whatever they’re doing.
Thanks all for the great discussion - absolutely gutted about this from JLR… personally just got into HA about 3 months ago and absolutely love it. Frustrated that I have the car on the drive and knowing that it could have been connected until this update from JLR.
Appreciate it might not be needed but I’ve followed the hidden code instructions in the JLR app and my code is:
Hey there could you help me? I have a evoque P300e and looking to get SOC and SOH into homeassistant
Not going to happen any time soon, sorry. Enjoy the awesome car, though.