Jandy iAqualink Pool Integration

Anyone else having issues connecting to iaqualink the last 24 hours?

Connectivity has been hit and miss over the last few days. I just restarted iaqualink and re-paired it but lost connectivity again. sigh

I actually have a binary_sensor.freeze_protection (coming from the Rainmachine integration). I need to figure out if this causes conflicts (I’m guessing it will) and if so, how to solve them.

I’ve updated the code to support Celsius as well as Fahrenheit. You should just need to run “git pull”.

Thanks @flauran I’ll check it out!

On a separate note, I too have connectivity issues ATM

Hi @flauran - just tested it and it kinda worked. The climate dials are now working in C but the air, pool and freeze protection temps are still showing the old values:

I presume Spa is the same but as spa was not on, I wasn’t getting a value for that at the time.


Eugh. I only updated the climate component, not the sensors…

Fixed now. Update your git checkout again.

:+1: sounds good

All good now thanks @flauran. Thanks for doing that!

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I have been using and connected to iaqualink for more than 4 years. I don’t recall ever having a connection issue. Two days after I got this excellent component running I had my first connection issue. I commented out the component, rebooted and a couple of days later iaqualink was back on line for me. I waited a week with everything working fine and uncommented out the lines and began using the component again. Once again I became disconnected from iaqualink. Commented out the lines once more, and after a day or so everything was back working again. This got me thinking. How often is this software polling for the data and does iaqualink have some sort of limit that leads to a disconnect.

OR could this have just been a coincidence?

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The polling happens once per minute. Unfortunately I don’t know of any way to subscribe to changes instead so I do have to rely on polling. The first draft of the component had polling happening roughly every 20 seconds and I had no issues at the time. That’s obviously not to say it’s not related.

I find sometimes my router needs a simple reboot when it gets disconnected for whatever reason.

I’ve been getting connection issues too. Like you, never happened until i installed this component

I had strange issues where the iAquaLink would just stop working, app and HASS.

I found hard wiring it via Cat5 solved this… it seemed wireless was the culprit and interference or bad signal causing it to loose connection and then reconnect hours later.

Hi Flauran,

I added the robot cleaner to my system. Not sure if you have any interest in adding it to the code or not. It’s only connected to iaqualink when its plugged in. I don’t see any sensors related to it that are unused.

Typically a router reboot solves it for me. I’m not excluding foul play from the component but I’m thinking 2 requests every minute shouldn’t be overkill (especially since it goes to iaqualink/iobridge servers, not the device itself).

My guess is that it shows as a separate system when connecting to iaqualink and the existing code dismisses it completely (because it doesn’t have any idea how to operate it).

I’d have to figure out what the API is by doing TLS MITM with CharlesProxy (as was done by someone else for the pool controls). Given that I don’t have a ton of free time and I don’t have the equipment myself, I won’t be looking into it. I’m happy to review patches though.

Yeah its a separate system. I wish I could code but can’t. Thanks for considering.

I just ran git pull and now it will not start because there is No module named 'custom_components.aqualink.config_flow' Is there a commit hash that does work instead of this error?

Yeah, it’s a known issue (github). The component doesn’t support Home Assistant 0.94 yet.