Jasco outlet reporting as 'light' and not, 'switch. Why?

All my other in-wall outlets report as switch. This one is reporting as a light.

According to what I was told when I reported the issue to ZHA, it is how the device reports itself. In other words it was Jasco’s (IMO poor) choice.

What sense at all does it make to have your OUTLET report as a light? Totally stupid choice on Jasco.

You know of any Zwave/Zigbee in-wall outlets with power monitoring that report as a switch?

The Jasco zwave outlets show as switches. All my Jasco zigbee outlets, even the energy monitoring ones, report themselves as lights. The Jasco zigbee in-wall switches do the same.

Being as it is, I would create a template switch that controls the light entity that is provided by the integration, and then hide the light entity (version 2022.4 and higher feature).

If the outlet is always used for a fan or something like that, you could of course use other domains for your template as well.

Although that may not be needed if you use ZHA. I came across this:


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That worked. Created a switch entity, now I can just disable/hide the previously created light. entity.


I found one way to override how the device is detected via ZHA (zigbee home assistant integration).

In configuration.yaml you can override the type for each device like this: ieee-#

In my case I added -1, -2 and so on because my device is a power strip that creates multiple entities and each one must be set, if you dont set the -# it will not work. (Zigbee Home Automation - Home Assistant)

# To find the ieee run this template: "{{ device_attr('light.power_strip_socket_2', 'identifiers') | selectattr(0,'eq','zha') | map(attribute=1) | first }}"

    type: switch
    type: switch
    type: switch
    type: switch
    type: switch