Jasco Z-Wave Fan 14314 does not have high/medium/low speed options but it should

I had to replace a GE/Jasco 14287 model fan control under warranty recently and Jasco sent me a 14314 model. Both the 14287 model and 14314 model support only 3 speeds, but the 14314 currently allows any percentage from 0-100% to be set in the UI even though the fan really only runs at 3 speeds, while the 14287 model will “normalize” any input to the 32, 66, or 99 value that corresponds to low/med/hi. I don’t have the technical ability to create a pull request, but it appears the 14287 model received a fix for this exact issue in November 2021: #60517. I tested with my 14314 fan and the 32, 66, and 99 speeds are correct for low, medium, and high.

I created a issue on Github for this, but it got no response and then was closed and locked. Is there anyone else with this fan and this issue?

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This is not homeassistant issue

If you want it corrected check for similar issue in zwavejs and if not present then post issue in zwavejs

I don’t think so. The device is already supported by zwavejs, the issue is that HA thinks the fan has 100 different speed levels when it really only has 3. The closed PR for the 14287 fan is likely very similar to what is needed for the 14314 fan.

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I think the percentage speed value from fans was a developer design decision a while back, so this is as intended.

It’s not that the fan speed is a percentage, but that it is possible to set that percentage to 30+ different numerical values that all have the same effect: 1-32 is low, 33-66 is medium, and 67+ is high. On the 14287 fan control, which is an older model, HA only lets you select the numerical values that correspond to the speeds: 33 is low, 67 is med, 99 is high. Choosing any other number results in HA changing that input to the appropriate 33/67/99 value. Physically dragging the frontend slider for a 14287 fan only moves between 0, 33, 67, and 99, is not possible to set the slider to anything else.

The 14314 model is similar in that is 3 speeds. The HA code just doesn’t “quantize” the input to each of the 3 speed values, and it should.

I agree with what you are saying but if a developer doesn’t want to fix it and you don’t have the skills then I think you’ll have to live with it.

But you could post the issue at zwavejs anyway and see if that gets you anywhere.

I think your correct it is HA issue

Maybe try creating template switch for this if they won’t fix

Might be a card thing then.

Having the same issue. Just got a second device thinking it was the same as the first on I got. It’s not. No ‘Off/Low/Med/High’ - just a slider where most of the values are not valid.

So - a +1 from me for addressing it.

I just ran into this as well when replacing one of my fan switches. The 14287 PR doesn’t look too complicated. Maybe I’ll take a shot at it if nobody else does but I don’t have any sort of dev setup for it currently.

Had to replace an Enbrighten 55258 / ZW4002 which had O-L-M-H instead of 0-100%. Replaced it with a Jasco 14314 / ZW4002. Fan now has to be set to a percentage instead of just clicking O-L-M-H.

+1 for a fix.