Jewish calendar

I am not very technical and need some help on how to add the Jewish Calendar to my Home Assistant

Where in the documentation are you stuck?

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I have seen that but I have no idea how to

To enable this integration in your installation, add the following to your configuration.yaml file:

# Example configuration.yaml entry

Which method did you use to install Home Assistant?

If you are running it on a Raspberry Pi, I will assume you are using Home Assistant OS. If you are, then you can install Add-Ons.

A very useful Add-On is the File Editor. It allows you to easily access and modify the configuration.yaml file. That’s where you will enter the configuration for the Jewish Calendar integration.

Some of what I just described is mentioned here: Configuring Home Assistant.

To install the File Editor Add-On, in the main menu, select Supervisor > Add-On Store. Find and click the File Editor Add-On and click INSTALL.

Let me know when that’s done and we can proceed from there.

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Thanks so much !!!
I installed the File Editor and it was added to the sidebar. I need help on how to go from here. I have tried finding " configuration.yaml ", but don’t know how to do that. :frowning:

To run the File Editor, click the Supervisor icon in the main menu, click File Editor in the Dashboard view, and then click Open Web UI. Wait a moment for it to load and then the File Editor will be ready to use.

In the File Editor, click the folder icon located in the upper left corner. This will open a menu showing all the files contained in the /config directory. Find configuration.yaml and click it. Click on the screen to the right of the menu to minimize the menu. The text you see represents the contents of configuratiom.yaml. This is where you will enter the configuration information for the Jewish Calendar integration. Once you are done, save the changes you made to the file by clicking the floppy-disk icon located in the upper right corner.

Let me know when you are done and we can proceed to checking the configuration (confirming there are no errors) followed by restarting Home Assistant to activate the new integration.

I did copy/paste from and saved. I then restarted HA, but now need your help (thanks !!!) for next steps.

You’re welcome and congratulations for making quick progress.

What are the ‘next steps’ that require assistance? Do you want to use some of the Jewish Calendar’s sensors to trigger an action?

I apologize for my ignorance, but I have no idea where to find the Jewish calendar in my HA; how to configure etc… I am so sorry that I ask you so many questions.

According to its documentation, it creates various sensors that indicate auspicious dates and times for the Jewish faith. For example (from the documentation):

Time sensor states are represented as ISO8601 formatted UTC time .

  • first_light : First light of dawn (Alot Hashachar - עלות השחר)
  • talit : Earliest time for tallit and tefillin (Misheyakir - משיכיר)
  • gra_end_shma : Last time for reading of the Shma according to the Gr”a.
  • mga_end_shma : Last time for reading of the Shma according to the MG”A.

If you look in Developer Tools > States, it lists all the entities present in your Home Assistant system. Scroll the list to where all the sensors are defined (or type the word sensor where it says Filter entities) and you should see the ones the Jewish Calendar integration has created.

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Indeed and THANKS again. They now all appear !
Now I have to learn automation. So far all my automation is within my ISY and I know how to do that. Now I have to learn how to use the HA automation and use specific Jewish dates to trigger lights.

Glad to hear it. Sounds like you’re on your way to using them as triggers in automations.

Please consider marking my post (above) with the Solution tag (only one post in the topic can have the tag). By doing this, it will automatically place a check-mark next to the topic’s title which signals to other users that this topic has an accepted solution. It will also automatically place a link under your first post that leads to the Solution post. All of this helps other users find answers to similar questions.


If you have questions about creating automations, please open a separate topic as opposed to appending it to this one. It helps to keep each topic focused on a specific issue.

Good luck!


I’m getting

"Invalid timestamp"





Works fine

Hi, it would be possible to add tzom starting and ending time?