Jinvoo Power Strip

Just got this today. Paired up fine and works as expected.
Wish it had energy monitoring but knew that it didn’t going in.

The problem I am running into is that all 5 entities (4 outlets and 1 to control the usb ports) are showing as lights instead of switches.

I added a zha.yaml file with a device_config for it as type: “switch” and restarted but no change.

I’m having this same issue. Did you even find a solution?

Nope. Not sure why the zha file isn’t doing it

@kylepyke Turns out this was entirely a misunderstanding on my part.
I was thinking I had to add the single device to the zha file but I missed the ‘endpoint’ part.
I added all 5 and they all show up as switches now.

format: {ieee}-{endpoint_id}

How in the world did you get the power strip into pairing mode? I’ve tried every combination of holding and clicking and resetting for different periods of time. I have a hundred devices and have never had this kind of trouble getting one to connect. Any help would really be appreciated!

I think I just held down the power button until it turned red or multicolored. Then off and on.