Join Command & Tasker Error

Can anyone help me and tell me why the below service call isn’t valid all of a sudden?

- service: joaoapps_join.galaxy_s9+_send_tasker
    command: Music_Off

I was using the same format, but then had to update the service call, as I got a new phone. Now I receive this error message. The YAML validates?

Invalid config for [automation]: Service joaoapps_join.galaxy_s9+_send_tasker does not match format <domain>.<name> for dictionary value @ data['action'][1]['service']. Got None. (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at

I have tried single quotes around the command, double quotes, I have updated the device id and api key, and pulled the service name directly for the dev page. Nothing else should have changed?

The name of a service must be a valid entity_id, and valid entity_id’s cannot contain the character '+'.

I don’t use this component, but I checked the docs and the code. It seems like you need to remove the + character from the name configuration option for joaoapps_join. I.e., change name: galaxy_s9+ to name: galaxy_s9 or name: galaxy_s9_plus.

Oh, that’s good information. Thank you! Strangely, it’s works in Node Red using that naming structure. But I’ll change it just to avoid any potential future problems. Thank you!