JoyOnWay Spa Control

I have a Spa control Wifi modul from joyonway for my fountain Spa delight. With it, I can control my heating time, temperature, pump, light and bubbles…

I have an app (joyonway) - with it I can control the wifi Modul… Does someone have an Idea, what to do, if I want to write an integration for it?

How do I start - what do I have to do - is there a tool where I can get the commands, which the app is sending?

Sorry, I’m a complete newbie in creating an integration - maybe someone will help me (?)

(preferably in german :wink: )

Thanks in advance

Hey pelo,

I also have a JoyOnWay Spa Control.
But I am not ready to buy the WIFI unit because it is very expensive.
I want to recreate it with a ESP.
Would it be possible that you open your WIFI module an send me a picture?
Maybe I can reverse engineer it and then we can try to create an integration.

Hi, probably I cannot make a foto from the module…

I have bought it last year by… it costs 265 EUR. It is connected on com1 in the SpaControl

Yes I already know which module is being used. I wrote an email to the manufacturer “joyonway” and they told me that the COM-Ports are RS485. So maybe the spa uses the modbus protocol.
There is a application called “modbus tool” on github in which you can connect to a Modbus TCP device.

If you know the IP you can try to connect to the module. Default port is 502.

Did you get some sort of manual with your module? The lack of documentation is really hard to work with.

Hello, interested in the same topic, any update so far?

Me too. The original App is very poor

Moin aus Norddeutschland.

Hat jemand für die Joyonway Wifi Steuerung das Modbus Register?

Ich habe gelesen, dass das Modul via TCP Modbus erreichbar sein soll.

Ich habe heute eine Anfrage an den Joyonway Support gestellt und um das Register gebeten und warte nun die Antwort ab.

Sollte es schon jemand geben der das Rehister hatcwürdevich mich freuen, wenn ich darauf zugriff bekommen könnte.


Gruß aus Norddeutschland