JQ-300/200/100 Indoor Air Quality Meter

So many times evolution is done by “mistakes”.

What I see now:

  1. Server response for JQ-200 is slightly different in model name: “JQ300” versus “JQ-300” for original JQ-300.
  2. Data for 10 sensors comes from the cloud for JQ-200 (ID from 0 to 9; some of the sensors are dummy). The response for the JQ-300 comes with data for 11 sensors: a sensor with ID 10 is added, but its value is always 2700. It looks like this is also a dummy.

Hi all,

This is not strictly related to this component, other than that I will use it as soon as I can register an account in Perthings (iOS) app. Which is not working. The app is throwing a “server busy” dialogue when I try to register a new account. Is this something anyone here have noticed and or found a way to resolve?

Do any of you know what the official support channel for these devices is? The box, with documentation has absolutely no information about this.

Thanks in advance. Looking forward to this component when I solve my issue :slight_smile:

Same “server busy” issue here when trying to create a Perthings account. Have you been able to fix it?

Hi @Joostg75
Welcome to the discussion

Good to know it’s not just me.

This has been going on for the past 3-4 days. Throwing “server busy” every time I try.

I’ve tried contacting support, but all e-mail addresses I’ve found fail to receive my requests (NDR).

I’m sorry guys, but there a no ways to contact official support. Some time ago I’ve try to find a way for ask for permits to officially use they API, but all my letters to all found email addresses reverts back as not delivered.

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Any ideas regarding my problem? I’ve sent you logs via email some time ago, i still can’t get it working

I’ve just registered successfully.

JQ300 received. After struggling to add it in the official app for the configuration, I have been able to add it to HA.

Has anyone know why the alert is ON(problem) in my screenshot? Is the TVOC too high?

Just for others having problems with the android Perthings app:
0. WiFi pairing won’t work.

  1. Use your phone internet as a WiFi sharing spot with SSID: ‘aaa’ and password: ‘12345678’.
  2. Use the second method in the app to pair the device to your Perthings account. You need to see the blue led blinking fast first and once is paired it will change to steady.
  3. You may need to close and open the app several times until you see the device is added.
  4. Once you have it in the app, the device has a configuration screen where you can change the WiFi settings to your home one instead of the phone one.
  5. Done! Now you can start with the HA config.

TVOC is too high - it should settle. Basically you need to vent the room (open the windows/doors) to refresh the air and it should try and calibrate. Failing that use the app to calibrate - good luck!?!?!?!

Can someone confirm that the JQ-300 make the zero (calibration) when powered up?
If I power off it and then power on it again the readings are a lot different.

Is it worth getting one of these then or is the accuracy garbage?

I’ve found this link’s:

Seems to be a way to be cloud independent :thinking:… sounds really good.

Thank you, but…

The first topic is well known to me. Yes, there are good practices on how to read data directly. But they all require disassembling the device and flashing it.
Are you ready to do this? Are most other users ready to do this?.. I’m sure 99% of users are not that good at electrical engineering.
That is why I did not begin to follow this path…
(UPD: At the same time, if you reflash the device and send data directly to the HA MQTT server, you will no longer need any integration. :wink: )

The second topic is new to me. It explains how to get data from the cloud. This is exactly what our integration does. But our integration at the moment EXACTLY simulates the work of the official application, using several different channels to obtain the necessary information. As a result, the risk of blocking integration is practically zero.
In that topic, as far as I can see, a simpler example of an application is given, which has obvious disadvantages.
So I see no point in trying to figure out how that application works…

I beg your pardon, but I have not been able to repeat your situation. And without that, I don’t understand why this is happening at all. The logs show a disconnection, but do not provide information about its cause.

I don’t know how to solve this problem, sorry.

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someone knows triggers indications of air quality for alert?

not work( please help

my config:

  username: [email protected]
  password: pass
  devices: jq300
      humidity: sensor.jq300_humidity
      co2: sensor.jq300_eco2
      tvoc: sensor.jq300_tvoc
      hcho: sensor.jq300_hcho
      pm: sensor.jq300_pm25

Are you sure that you registered your JQ-300 device under the name “jq300” through the official app?

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I mean triggers for binary sensor - Home Air Quality Alert On/Off

I use it for telegram notification

Am I the only one who doesn’t get any updates anymore since about 24 hours in HA?

Reconnecting does give me (1 time) the numbers. Maybe it’s possible to make an automation to reconnect every x-minutes or so?

Edit: Seems also in my app it’s not working like it should… Probably problems in China :slight_smile: