Hi, I have managed to get an ultrasonic sensor working via a nodemcu flashed with tasmota and can now display the level of the water in my water tank in HA. My question is this: The tasmota flash of the nodemcu uses the binary “tasmota-sensors.bin” It also only uses two of the GPIO connections on the nodemcu. Is anyone familiar enough with this binary and the sensor to know whether I can configure other GPIO pins on the same nodemcu and have two of theses sensors connected?
I have two water tanks in close proximity to each other and it would be great if I could save me “doubling-up” on nodemcu’s if I can. I also have that many iot devices hogging the airwaves on my wifi network that it would be really great if I don’t need to add yet another one…)
did you get this working? i just got the sensor. i see the black unit has only 2 wires. the whole board itself is 4 wires. would be nice if we can just plug the black unit directly to the node mcu, bypassing the its board. even plugging all 4 wires in, my nodemcu refuses to boot up, i guess the JSN uses too much power?
Use this as a guide. The HC-SR04 and the JSN are electrically compatible so long as you make the connections correctly. Just compare the pinouts of a Wemos to a nodemcu so that you get the same result. The voltage divider is important. You need it to limit the voltage on the GPIO pin of the nodemcu. Use the tasmota-sensors.bin to flash the nodemcu.
By the way, I still use these for sensing the presence of vehicles in my garage, but I’ve given up using them to measure the water in my tanks. They are flaky when they get condensation on them, or when the water has ripples on it (which happens when it rains and the water from tthe gutters is trickling into the tank.)
I now use these for all six of my tanks. I still use a nodemcu and have some working using tasmota firmware and some working using ESPHome firmware. ESPHome works much better than tasmota if I am connecting several Liquid Level units to one ADS1115 ADC configured on a single nodemcu. Rock steady readings with ESPHome, flaky readings with tasmota. If I’m just connecting one unit to a nodemcu, tasmota works fine.