JSON Parsing (Here we go again...)

I have an Accuweather REST sensor which returns detailed hourly forecasts.
I am trying to parse it using this:

  - resource: https://dataservice.accuweather.com/forecasts/v1/hourly/12hour/REDACTED API AND LOCATION
      - name: Accuweather Hour 0
        unique_id: accuweather_hour_0
        value_template: >
          {{ value_json[0].IconPhrase }}
        json_attributes_path: "$[0]"
          - HasPrecipitation
      minutes: 30

I get a value in the state of the sensor but try as I might I cannot get any attributes.

I get his error:


This is two hours worth of the JSON response (I didn’t think copying all 12 here was necessary):

        "DateTime": "2024-07-28T12:00:00+01:00",
        "EpochDateTime": 1722164400,
        "WeatherIcon": 4,
        "IconPhrase": "Cloudy",
        "HasPrecipitation": false,
        "IsDaylight": true,
        "Temperature": {
            "Value": 22.5,
            "Unit": "C",
            "UnitType": 17
        "RealFeelTemperature": {
            "Value": 25,
            "Unit": "C",
            "UnitType": 17,
            "Phrase": "Pleasant"
        "RealFeelTemperatureShade": {
            "Value": 21.4,
            "Unit": "C",
            "UnitType": 17,
            "Phrase": "Pleasant"
        "WetBulbTemperature": {
            "Value": 15.8,
            "Unit": "C",
            "UnitType": 17
        "WetBulbGlobeTemperature": {
            "Value": 20.4,
            "Unit": "C",
            "UnitType": 17
        "DewPoint": {
            "Value": 11.5,
            "Unit": "C",
            "UnitType": 17
        "Wind": {
            "Speed": {
                "Value": 7.4,
                "Unit": "km/h",
                "UnitType": 7
            "Direction": {
                "Degrees": 192,
                "Localized": "SSW",
                "English": "SSW"
        "WindGust": {
            "Speed": {
                "Value": 13,
                "Unit": "km/h",
                "UnitType": 7
        "RelativeHumidity": 49,
        "IndoorRelativeHumidity": 49,
        "Visibility": {
            "Value": 16.1,
            "Unit": "km",
            "UnitType": 6
        "Ceiling": {
            "Value": 1585,
            "Unit": "m",
            "UnitType": 5
        "UVIndex": 3,
        "UVIndexText": "Moderate",
        "PrecipitationProbability": 0,
        "ThunderstormProbability": 0,
        "RainProbability": 0,
        "SnowProbability": 0,
        "IceProbability": 0,
        "TotalLiquid": {
            "Value": 0,
            "Unit": "mm",
            "UnitType": 3
        "Rain": {
            "Value": 0,
            "Unit": "mm",
            "UnitType": 3
        "Snow": {
            "Value": 0,
            "Unit": "cm",
            "UnitType": 4
        "Ice": {
            "Value": 0,
            "Unit": "mm",
            "UnitType": 3
        "CloudCover": 64,
        "Evapotranspiration": {
            "Value": 0.3,
            "Unit": "mm",
            "UnitType": 3
        "SolarIrradiance": {
            "Value": 711.2,
            "Unit": "W/m²",
            "UnitType": 33
        "DateTime": "2024-07-28T13:00:00+01:00",
        "EpochDateTime": 1722168000,
        "WeatherIcon": 7,
        "IconPhrase": "Cloudy",
        "HasPrecipitation": false,
        "IsDaylight": true,
        "Temperature": {
            "Value": 23.4,
            "Unit": "C",
            "UnitType": 17
        "RealFeelTemperature": {
            "Value": 24.2,
            "Unit": "C",
            "UnitType": 17,
            "Phrase": "Pleasant"
        "RealFeelTemperatureShade": {
            "Value": 22.2,
            "Unit": "C",
            "UnitType": 17,
            "Phrase": "Pleasant"
        "WetBulbTemperature": {
            "Value": 16,
            "Unit": "C",
            "UnitType": 17
        "WetBulbGlobeTemperature": {
            "Value": 19.5,
            "Unit": "C",
            "UnitType": 17
        "DewPoint": {
            "Value": 11.1,
            "Unit": "C",
            "UnitType": 17
        "Wind": {
            "Speed": {
                "Value": 7.4,
                "Unit": "km/h",
                "UnitType": 7
            "Direction": {
                "Degrees": 170,
                "Localized": "S",
                "English": "S"
        "WindGust": {
            "Speed": {
                "Value": 13,
                "Unit": "km/h",
                "UnitType": 7
        "RelativeHumidity": 46,
        "IndoorRelativeHumidity": 46,
        "Visibility": {
            "Value": 16.1,
            "Unit": "km",
            "UnitType": 6
        "Ceiling": {
            "Value": 1585,
            "Unit": "m",
            "UnitType": 5
        "UVIndex": 2,
        "UVIndexText": "Low",
        "PrecipitationProbability": 0,
        "ThunderstormProbability": 0,
        "RainProbability": 0,
        "SnowProbability": 0,
        "IceProbability": 0,
        "TotalLiquid": {
            "Value": 0,
            "Unit": "mm",
            "UnitType": 3
        "Rain": {
            "Value": 0,
            "Unit": "mm",
            "UnitType": 3
        "Snow": {
            "Value": 0,
            "Unit": "cm",
            "UnitType": 4
        "Ice": {
            "Value": 0,
            "Unit": "mm",
            "UnitType": 3
        "CloudCover": 95,
        "Evapotranspiration": {
            "Value": 0.3,
            "Unit": "mm",
            "UnitType": 3
        "SolarIrradiance": {
            "Value": 185.9,
            "Unit": "W/m²",
            "UnitType": 33

And just for completeness: