Json path templating not working as expected for array values on restful sensor

I use this rest template to get that json where I want tog the last data value 10.596140653435064

I tried with value_template: "{{ json_value.results.A.frames[0].data.values[1][0] }}" and i get empty result.

After testing it, I get the json_value.results.A.frames[0].data.values with the correct array as it’s value but I cannot get one of the values of the double array.

I tested it with jsonpathonline and the HA template developer tools and it works great retriving the value number. It only fails with the restful sensor which is a POST

                     "executedQueryString":"Expr: sum((rate(container_cpu_user_seconds_total{image!=\"\", instance=\"cadvisor:8080\"}[5m]) / on(instance) group_left() machine_cpu_cores) * 100)\nStep: 15s"
                           "displayNameFromDS":"sum((rate(container_cpu_user_seconds_total{image!=\"\", instance=\"cadvisor:8080\"}[5m]) / on(instance) group_left() machine_cpu_cores) * 100)"

I cannot verify as ‘away’ but try with [‘values’] instead, it may be a reserved word

I think you have a typo with your array indexes - to me they look like they should be the other way around:

"{{ json_value.results.A.frames[0].data.values[0][1] }}"

values is the name of a dictionary (dict) method.

When you use dot notation to reference a dict key named values, it’s ambiguous.

{{ json_value.results.A.frames[0].data.values.[1][0] }}
                                    Method or key?

Use bracket notation to clarify that you want to reference a key named values (and not the dict method bearing the same name).

{{ json_value.results.A.frames[0].data['values'][1][0] }}

Did the change to using bracket notation, for values, help it get the desired value?