Jumbo.com integration (Dutch Supermarket)

Doh! Couldn’t find that state in my history, I corrected it. :slight_smile:

Ah that explains live.

We began to receive the ETA when our town shifted to distribution centre’s. Before the delivery was made by a local Jumbo. Orders where brought in from a central distribution centre and filled up by the local Jumbo. They then used their own car to deliver.

Eindhoven and area have now switched to a large distribution centre with the sole purpose of providing orders for deliveries. So ‘not local’ drivers now deliver the goods and the status updates now come from their main distribution centre, which is a different system.

It wasn’t updated immediately but it works:

De Jumbo verwacht op 2021-03-26 17:56:34.821000 bij je te zijn.

Now I need to adjust the time format and perhaps create a push notification whenever it changes.

Any idea’s?

Yeah I think it only updates once every 15 minutes, so I should lower that time. I probably also can fix the time format, as time is enough and date is unnecessary.

Furthermore I think I will create a separate “live” sensor. Then you can keep track of a state change and apply an automation on it.

I’ll work on it the upcoming days so I can try it out myself on Monday :slight_smile:



  • Potential breaking change: Start time, End time and all ETA times are now time only (without a date)
  • New sensor for deliveries: jumbo_live
  • Update time lowered from 15 to 5 minutes
  • Extensive documentation update (https://github.com/peternijssen/home-assistant-jumbo)

Hi Peter,

The new sensor “jumbo_live” sounds great.
But for me it doesn’t work at the moment. I’ve configured my automation like this:

- id: '1616884611601'
  alias: Jumbo - Hey, Je bestelling is er bijna!
  - entity_id: sensor.jumbo_live_3
    platform: state
    from: unknown
  condition: []
  - data:
      message: Je bestelling is er bijna! De verwachting is dat hij er om {{ states('sensor.jumbo_live_3')
        }} zal zijn.
      title: Jumbo
    service: notify.mobile_app_iphone_van_bjorn
  mode: single

Today the Jumbo came by and my ready_to_deliver automation worked great, as usual. But the jumbo_live sensor stayed in unknown state.

Do you have a solution for my issue?

Thanks in advance.

jumbo1 jumbo2


Just saw your update on version 0.8.1.
I’ll install it and try it next week :slight_smile:

Yeah 0.8.1 should fix it. It worked for me last Friday and will check again today. Additionally, good to check if your jumbo app also displays the ETA time at a certain point. Not sure if it’s supported across the entire country.

Had a delivery from Jumbo this week and the Jumbo app didn’t display an ETA. So indeed something that has not been implemented yet across the country.
We do receive an SMS when they will be arriving, but no info in the app at the moment so also no info available via the jumbo_live sensor in 0.8.1 yet.

I’m afraid Jumbo implemented bot protection just recently. After a restart of HA, you might loose your connection with Jumbo :frowning:

Yup, I lost it. :frowning:

Yup, it’s broken :face_with_head_bandage:

I guess we somehow need to reach out to the tech department at Jumbo or find a way around it :frowning:

Is there any progress on the bot protection issue?

Just found this great plugin. Any news about a fix? What exactly is the error?

Still looking in to it, but my time is limited. Problem resides in the fact they implemented bot protection, much like postnl did a while back.

Potential work around could be to use the web API, but that also contains some protection. Best would be to get in touch with Jumbo if there is a workaround for us.


I installed the integration today and I keep getting the message that my username or password is wrong. When using the original Python module, I get the same; so I am assuming either I am doing something wrong or the API changed.

As username I use my email address, which I use to log in onto the regular website (jumbo.com), and as password, the password I use… :slight_smile:
Might this be related to what others are seeing?

@ptnijssen; if you require additional effort from someone else, e.g. me, for reversing or fixing anything - please PM me (Dutch is fine). I might be of help here.

For more info, here is a related issue: Jumbo authentication is currently broken · Issue #1 · RinseV/jumbo-wrapper · GitHub

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Is this integration still working.
I installed it, but get the status unkonw of all my sensors?

No, it’s not working anymore.

It might be possible to get this integration back up and running. According to this post, Jumbo removed the bot protection and replaced the login method by using default OAuth, what is supported by Home Assistant I believe.

It would require a similar path (with a temporarily browser extension) like what has been done with the PostNL integration you can find here and here.

It’s been a while however since I used the Jumbo delivery services, so I am not really up for that challenge I think. Perhaps someone else wants to puzzle a bit.