Juntek KG-F Series on HA

A and B directly to ESP Tx and Rx without this?:

What to connect to Tx, A or B?

I just purchased the NB114 just because this post. Can you please show the internal settings of the NB114? Thanks.

Now that I have everything set, can’t find an RJ9 cable :joy::joy::joy:

Just for community awareness, I have wrote a fork that is now working very well for my Juntek. I have mine on a RPi, and works on both Bluteooth and RS485.
However, I can REALLY recommend you go through the RS485, as Bluteooth is plain bad (random value broadcast, no consistency, constant disconnect issues).
The RS485 however is accurate, consistent and easy.
I used one of those USB to RS485 from Amazon for about $10. It then pushes the data to MQQT.

Project and details available on the github : GitHub - AnalogThinker/junctek_monitor: A Python program to pull Juntek Battery Monitor Data over BT or RS485 and post on MQTT

Hello everyone!

I’ve recently developed an application that can read data from Junctek devices and transmit it over a port. The real-time data is stored as JSON and can be viewed through a visual dashboard available at this link: Junctek Monitoring Dashboard. This link shows my own battery online.

The system ultimately saves the data in a JSON file, making it potentially integrable with Home Assistant or other home automation systems. That integration is my next step.

As for the hardware connection, I used an RS485 cable that I had to fabricate myself – apologies for the DIY nature, but it was the quickest solution. Since I didn’t have an RJ9 connector available, I ended up using an old telephone cord which I modified to fit.

I will continue to develop and refine this project, and I’m excited to see how it can be expanded and integrated into more complex systems. Your feedback and suggestions are very welcome!

Looking forward to your thoughts and any advice you might have.

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I’ve been checking your post out, and also been looking for ways to integrate python into HA. I know you have yo place the files into certain folders, but calling the results of the sensors is my issue. I’ve been using HA for 2 month now and I’m a NooB. :joy::joy::joy: