Jupyter cannot connect

I’m learning Python and started with the addon: jupyter.
But when I’m connecting to my mariadb or sqllite. (both has data, one is active now in HASS. I can connect, but can’t query. the tables are their but not in jupyter. What do I wrong?

my setup is: nuc with ubuntu, docker, latest hass.

import sqlite3
from detective.core import HassDatabase
#db = HassDatabase("mysql://user:[email protected]:3306/homeassistant")
db = HassDatabase('sqlite:////' + 'home-assistant_v2.db')

Successfully connected to database sqlite:////home-assistant_v2.db
Error with query: 
            SELECT entity_id
            FROM states
            GROUP BY entity_id
(sqlite3.OperationalError) no such table: states
            SELECT entity_id
            FROM states
            GROUP BY entity_id
(Background on this error at: http://sqlalche.me/e/e3q8)