Jura Operating Experience app compatible HA?

Hello everyone,
I was just wondering if anyone could manage to integrate the Jura Operating Experience app (aka J.O.E app), available for iOS or Android, to Home Assistant?
With this app, ones can control/customize everything about the coffees being made by Jura machines such as: Amount of grounded coffee; Coarse/Fine grinder settings; Amount of hot water/milk, Types of coffees, etc…

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I saw another post about modify the Jura machine and then integrate it into HA… However, that was a little while ago and recently, I have seen no updates nor new integration from newer Jura machine any more…

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Looked into it with Wireshark, but nothing captured, some undecodable UDP packages, but couldn’t make anything specific out of it.

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That should be nice. For the bluetooth dongle as the wifi dongle. For me connecting the wifi dongle would be a great upgrade of my HA-setup

Is this interesting: GitHub - Jutta-Proto/protocol-bt-cpp: C++ JURA protocol implementation for controlling a Jura coffee maker over a Bluetooth connection. (only bluetooth so it looks)

There is an integration for Jura using bluetooth module which can be installed using HACS → add repository → GitHub - AlexxIT/Jura: Home Assistant custom component for control Jura Coffee Machines via Bluetooth module. I don’t have a bluetooth dongle, my machine is using the wifi dongle with J.O.E. app so I don’t now if this works. When wifi module is working give me a call :wink: