A few day’s ago i installed HA. on a windows netbook, after installing i got the home screen but too bad i could not start autoconfig. Today i tried to start homeassistant with: i got the blue icon and a turning circle, it asked for a password? What is the default password?
It also could not find his configuration, and store Where do i find the file. Hass.io? (i think the maps have a dot before the name and so i cannot reach it from the network and even not with the Windows Explorer. I found just one map homeassistant but it seemes to be empty
Your HA config files should be here…
C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming.homeassistant is not a valid location
This does not start HA it just loads the frontend in to a web browser (see below for a valid address), if you have turned off you pc and not got HA to run on startup then you won’t get anywhere as HA won’t be running - to get it running open up a commandline window and type py -m homeassistant --open-ui or add states - there is no default password
see here to add one…
It does not have a default password. Make sure you’re using a real browser and not edge or IE.
You might want to reconsider running home assistant on Windows because hardly anything works on Windows in home assistant
As for the moment i have also Homeseer on the netbook for my Plugwise Circles so the netbook is always on (of course when windows go to a BSOD im in Trouble.
I tried it on my Synology DS214Play but it won’t discover anything.
Did you set your docker container to use net=host on your Synology?
A large portion of components don’t work in Windows…so you’re going to miss out on a lot of functionality
Docker? i think Docker is only on the Big Syno’s. Not on 214(play) On my Synology i have a Homeassistant specially for some Synology (but i think it should also based on Linux).
So i have 2 installations 1 on Windows7 (Acer d251 netbook) and one on Synology DS214play. A year ago i even tried it on a Raspberry and i was even able to configure some modules like Zwave and Rfxtrx but the cards quicky go corrupt. So now i have this raspberry used by Domoticz (multiboot and i have al the software exept for the boot on my Synology (i think they call it. ISCSI)
The Microsoft Windows platform is not a primary target to install Home Assistant. Also, not all tools and third-party modules will work.
I have now installed HA on my (not Docker) Synology ds214play
HA works but with errors (discovery does not work and Weather underground errors)