Just moved house

Hi All,
I have just moved house and the app cant login in to HA anymore. I can login using local https://192.168.1.xx:8123 so everything is working.
Using Raspberry Pi install with duckdns. I changed broadband providers but am still using the same modems and SSID and other network settings, all the devices and sensors are still OK but I just cant get any access via the app and wonder if anyone has any thoughts or ideas for troubleshooting and getting it all back online again

Is the duckdns url working in browser?

Duckdns connecting to wrong ip or you new provider blocking port

Verify IP duckdns url for your ha resolve to
Verify you can connect to your ha using WANIP: port

I guessing one of above not working.
Also verify port forwarding setup to correct IP in your router just in case

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You are spot on and thank you, port forwarding - doh.
I did a FW update on the router which kindly cleared out my port redirections, all sorted