I am looking to integrate JVA Electric Fence energizer (energiser) into home assistant so I can, monitor and control.
I have the energizer and set up the app, all good, now to work out what it is doing.
I have reached out to the company to see if they have an API… no reply as yet.
So my question is where do I start ?
Do I start sniffing my network to see what communications are going back and forth?
Any advice
A quick Google search revealed that they do have an API. It is called the “JVA Perimeter Patrol API”. Unfortunately I could not find the specification online.
A lot of companies are on holiday early in the new year, you may just have to wait for a response. Or try asking the distributor that you bought it from to get you a copy of the API spec.
EDIT: looks like the API is only available if you purchase a PRO version of their software.