JWaveJS Programming with HomeSeer WD200+ broken?

I am using HassIO core-2021.11.2 and JWaveJS. I recently got there by using the upgrade tool (if that matters)

I am trying to set the status LED. If I use the UI by starting with a device, I get the following script

alias: Set Status 1 Red Broken
  - device_id: d077bb33e8b748771d6a0d03c7fabce3
    domain: zwave_js
    type: set_config_parameter
    parameter: 21
    bitmask: null
    subtype: 68-112-0-21 (Status Mode LED 1 Color)
    value: 1
mode: single
icon: mdi:script

When I execute this script, I get an error
"Failed to call service script/set_status_1_red_broken. Extra keys not allowed @ data[‘domain’] "

As a small point, I would have expected the ‘value’ above to have been ‘Red’ and not the number 1.

Please know that the script below works perfectly, it is the one above that does not work, and I think it should. I’m not blocked, but I am trying to report an issue. I hope I am doing this the correct way.

alias: Set Status 1 Red Works
  - service: zwave_js.set_config_parameter
      device_id: d077bb33e8b748771d6a0d03c7fabce3
      parameter: '21'
      value: Red
mode: single
icon: mdi:script


Issues are reported on Github. https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/new/choose