Kauf plug esphome api issue

I installed one Kauf smart plug and it appeared in home assistant automatically. It also appeared in esphome with pending adoption.
I set up the plug on the HA side left it pending adoption in esphome, it appears to be working correctly in HA.

However I installed a second kauf smart plug, it appeared in home assistant to configure.

When I went to configure the second plug ,this time it prompted me for ESP home web address and port instead:

“Can’t connect to ESP. Please make sure your YAML file contains an ‘api:’ line.

I since adopted both plugs in esphome with wifi network info and generated encryption key. But I still cannot add the second plug in HA.

I’m trying to understand why this was not an issue for the first plug and how do I resolve?

Even though there’s this issue with the second plug I added, I just added a third Kauf plug and it did not have this issue.
It appeared in homeassistant and I was able to configure it without any ESPhome issue.
Not sure what the issue is with the second plug having an issue with ESPhome network address in Port.
Any suggestions