I’ve this working via a daisy-chained process using a Hass commandline switch in Hassio to ssh into a pc I’ve KDE Connect on, then running a script, e.g.
kdeconnect-cli --send-sms "Smoke Detected in Hallway" --destination +44123456789123456 --device 54abce364345edac
So it’s really kdeconnect-cli
that’s essential - it comes with the KDE Connect main package.
This method keeps everything ‘in-house’, and avoids having to use a third party solution which could incur fees. A cheap ‘pay-as-you-go’ mobile that can run KDE Connect and it’s a full solution.
It’s not limited to the KDE desktop, I’ve tested it today with Ubuntu Studio which is XFCE, plus of course the commandline.
What do you think?
Sorry if this should be placed in ‘Feature Requests’ instead, I’ll move it over if so.