This works fine. However, I want it to blink instead of a solid red. I was thinking of repeat but then you have to add integers. So my thought was to use some form of wait_until condition but I can’t get it to work.
Any ideas to solve this as elegantly as possible?
Also, how would I incorporate wifi online/offline into this? I’m thinking to use the code below in some form. However, the code is for when wifi is connected. I wanted to signal when it’s not connected :
Thanks. I did already visit those pages and copy some code from there. However, I haven’t been able to get it working. I don’t understand the syntax well enough to combine several blocks. My first idea was to use
on_value_range as above, and combine with repeat & while true. But like I said, repeat needs a predetermined number of repeats, something that I can’t write seeing as I want it to be active indefinitely for as long as it’s above a certain threhshold.
If pin is defined the GPIO pin state is writen before any action is executed.
state_change_action and turn_on_action/turn_off_action can be used togther. state_change_action is called before turn_on_action/turn_off_action. It’s recommended to use either state_change_action or turn_on_action/turn_off_action to change the state of an output. Using both automations together is only recommended for monitoring.
Thanks. Same error as above. The “effect pulse is is not allowed for this light type”. Is it because the output is defined as binary and thus can only assume one of two states?
The ESPhome documentation is good but it doesn’t really offer a good explanation of all the basic concepts. Any recommendation? I will attempt to do something similar with the wifi connection next, to have it signal if my ESP should lose connection.
Not that I am aware of sorry, I am below basic, so just as bad as you, I just keep reading, re-reading, and with some trial and error success, less than 50% of the time ., for example, been ripping my here out for the past couple days trying to get touch screen working with a ILI9341.