I keep receiving the following notification:
"Configuring Command Line sensor using YAML has moved.
This stops working in version 2023.12.0. Please address before upgrading
Consult the documentation to move your YAML configuration to integration key and restart Home Assistant to fix this issue."
I only have one sensor that uses command line to fetch currency rates. Bellow is my sensor which is placed inside config/sensor/. The file is called “exchange_rate.yaml”:
platform: command_line
name: 'eur_brl'
command: curl -s -XGET 'https://api.exchangerate.host/latest?base=EUR&symbols=BRL'
scan_interval: 700
unit_of_measurement: 'BRL'
value_template: "{{ value_json.rates.BRL | round(2) }}"
I’ve read the documentation and it seems that I’m using everything correctly, but I still receive the notification. Does anyone know what I have to do in order not to lose this sensor when updating to 2023.12.0 in December?