Keep some older versions of the log before truncating it

Currently the log is truncated when Hass restarts. This will lost all entries from the previous log. And it prevents me to identify error causes.

Currently I have the issue that Hass restarts every 2 minutes when I try to upgrade from 2021.5.5 to 2021.6.x. And the log will be truncated on each restart. I am not able to identify the last entries in the log before a restart hhappens. So I can’t
find the reason why Hass restarts. So I can’t upgrade to the current version but I need to downgrade to the last working older version. This maybe fine with not installing 2021.6.x, but there will be other versions and I need to find out, which part of my configuration is causing the error.

An easy solution would be to create a copy of the log before truncating it and to keep a number of these copies. Older copies could be deleted based on the count of copies.

Another option would be an option to not truncate the log on restart.

Closing as a duplicate. Please search for similar requests before posting and vote for them if they exist.
