Kef integration no longer working after 2023.2

Hello - After upgrading to 2023.2, the Kef integration appears to no longer work. My media player entity says it’s no longer being provided by the Kef integration. I tried deleting it and then named it something different in the yaml config and a new entity was not created.

After reading the breaking changes in this release it doesn’t appear that was disabled, I’m wondering if it was accidentally removed or disabled? Any other trouble shooting advice is appreciated

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Hi - Quick update, I’m just noticing this error in the logs:

Platform kef not ready yet: Cannot get the ip address of kef speaker.; Retrying in background in 30 seconds

Doesn’t seem to make any sense, there have been no changes other that the update to 2023.2

Here is my Yaml config:

  - platform: kef
    type: LSX
    name: My KEF speakers
    maximum_volume: 0.6
    volume_step: 0.05

I’m seeing the same here in 2023.2, including the log entry.

Sorry, to clarify, you’re having the same issue?

Yes - exactly as you describe in your first post. I too have tried re-making the media_player: entry and restarting HA, my LSX speakers do not appear, and I see the same entry in the log. It’s not just you!

OK Thanks, I was about to create a new VM to rule out whether or not something went sideways in my environment.

I’ll post it on github so it gets more attention.

Same ISSUE here, after the HA update 2023.2 and 2023.2.1. my KEF LSX speakers stopped working.


By the way, I noticed that the KEF component source code didn’t changed for the last couple of months as also my configuration. So the HA update seems to be the suspect.

Fir the record, this is the content of the configuration.yaml

  - platform: kef
    type: LSX
    maximum_volume: 0.9
    volume_step: 0.01
    name: Kef LSX

Hopfelly someone can pinpoint the issue more and fix it.

Exactly the same issue. I’ve just reverted to a back up and the integration functions as expected.

Same here, backup restored, now running HA version 2023.1.7 and issue is temporary ‘solved’


The topic is labelled as ‘Third party integrations’, but that’s not true I think. KEF is part of the HA core ate least for three years or so. I would call is a first party integration.

Sorry, this was my first post here, I wasn’t sure where to put it. Is there a way to move this thread to core?

I have the same issue, Can’t turn my LSXs on or off but can turn the volume up and down.
not sure how to fix outside of rolling back

Would also like the ability to set source to something via HA which was not something you’ve ever been able to do

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Does someone know how to address this issue by the development team of home assistant, or is this already done?

@VitaminTee ‘I’ll post it on github so it gets more attention.’ Do you have a link?

Not helpful, but I can confirm the same problem with my installation.

There has been discussion about this problems on Github, and although most of it goes over my head it does look to me as if a fix is in the pipeline. I’ve no idea of timescales, and I don’t suppose it’s going to be a high priority given that the issue affects a relatively small number of people, but I do think it will happen. Hang in there!

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Is there any new info yet?

This thread in Github explains the current position:-

Error since 2023.2.0 - Platform kef not ready yet: Cannot get the ip address of kef speaker · Issue #87146 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

It is frustrating, but I’m not sure there’s much we can do.

issue is closed. Merge was done for other integrations too, so lets hope .6 release makes the fix live

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HAd some time today to test the .06 beta and yes, kef lsx speakers worked again. So be ready for your speakers to be working in HA again :slight_smile:

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works again! :slight_smile: