Keymaster dashboard giving error

Custom entity doesn’t exist fold-entity-row

Idk what that means

type: custom:fold-entity-row
type: section
label: Advanced Options

  • entity: input_boolean.reset_codeslot_outside_door_2
  • type: divider
  • entity: input_boolean.accesslimit_ou

It means you missed a step in the installation:
Lovelace View · FutureTense/keymaster Wiki (

That particular component is:
thomasloven/lovelace-fold-entity-row: :small_blue_diamond: A foldable row for entities card, containing other rows (

Go to HACS - install the prereqs, then refresh the browser.

Oh snap, ya I needed that and a number box thingy. Thanks :slight_smile:

Is there an entity that triggers/changes when a specific code is used? I want to have specific things happen when a specific code is used.