KeyMaster Z-Wave lock manager and scheduler

There’s no need to factory reset your lock.

So just remove all of the older lock manager components and install the new one?


In my config/packages there is a folder called lockmanager, I assume that needs to be removed as well as removing the old lock manager tab from my home screen. Is there anything else that should be removed before installing the new lock manager?

Thank you for the very quick replies btw. Much appreciated

Thanks, but you’ve added that in the section prominently labelled “v0.0.22 and earlier only.” I’ve installed KeyMaster v0.0.27 so I would have skipped that step anyway, right?


Should be it.

We’ll get it corrected.

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I have a test rig setup so I will restore a current snapshot from my main HA machine to that and then go through the process of removing the old lock manager and installing the new one.

Good job my wife is going to be hard at work in her ICU all weekend :slight_smile:

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I gave this a go and failed at installing HACS,

I can run the script, enter the code in GitHub which is accepted and the HACS integration is added but it is missing the service & entity and therefore does not load properly


I fixed the issue, I found that deleting all the hacs related files in .storage allowed the installation to complete successfully

Now on to the lock manager lol

Is there an easy way to get notifications on the mobile app based on which code is used to unlock the door?

You need to setup a notification service to use. See the FAQ

I had the previous version of lack manager installed, I have removed everything pertaining to that from my config folder and loverlace front end and I am going through the installation process for the new addon.

I just wanted to check that as I already have the lock added to my Z-wave network securely with the following entities do I need to rename them or leave them “As Is”



Thanks in advance


You can do whatever you want with the entity names. The new integration dialog will prompt you to pick your lock name, door sensor, etc. (Basically you can keep them how they are currently with the “_frontdoor” at the end and that will work.)


No need to rename them, but no harm in doing it. I excluded then reincluded my lock just to get the factory naming restored and used that.

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OK I got it installed using the existing entities and the only thing I can see is this when I first go to the lock manager tab

Lock Error

Any idea what this is? I can select the down arrow which shows all the options, there is just the red bar between each

The existing codes did get picked up but initially did not work, once the code was reset from the manager and re entered it worked.

Have you updated your fold-entity-row lovelace repository? Google search indicated some people having that error in past releases.

Yes I downloaded the latest fold-entity-row from HACS as per the instructions,

I actually did the install on a test machine, I restored a current snapshot from my main machine and then connected my HUSBZB-1 and did the lock manager installation. Other than the error it worked.

Now I am confident in the whole process I will try again tomorrow on my main Home Assistant machine. It is actually pretty handy that I can boot up a test machine and play around with it without risking screwing up my actual HA

Will report back tomorrow

I am attempting to install your appDaemon. I get errors with the logging section in the apps.yaml. I have attempted to rename the file with a .log at the end and finally a fully qualified pathing.

2021-03-16 23:31:10.092593 ERROR front_door_lock_notification: User defined log /config/appdaemon/apps/lock_notification not found


  module: lock_notification
  class: LockNotifications
  lock: lock.front_door
  lockname: "frontdoor"
  lock_name: "Front Door"
    - media_player.dining_room
  log: /config/appdaemon/apps/lock_notification
  debug: true


In the appdaemon directory you should have an appdaemon.yaml file. You need to add this to that file.
I have also added a copy of my file to my github:

> logs:
>   error_log:
>     filename: /config/appdaemon/logs/error.log
>   main_log:
>     filename: /config/appdaemon/logs/appdaemon.log
>   access_log:
>     filename: /config/appdaemon/logs/access.log
>   diag_log:
>     filename: /config/appdaemon/logs/diag.log
>   lock_notification_log:
>     name: LockNotifications
>     filename: /config/appdaemon/logs/lock_notification.log
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I got this installed on my main machine without issues this time,

I just realized I was following the older Wiki instructions, I was trouble shooting a config error regarding the GAagent after I added the automation and I came across the newer instructions.

Can I just confirm that as I am running V0.0.28 I do not need to create an extra directory called additional_yaml with the zwave.yaml file in it? Also do I need to add the automation in the first post which was giving me the config error relating to GAagent

Thanks in advance

To answer my question above I decided to remove everything and start from scratch with the newest Wiki instructions. Everything works and there are no interface errors. It was actually very simple compared to what I remember from installing the original lock manager so Kudos to the devs.

I seem to be making some progress, I added the script using the HA App service and I am now getting notifications but they are sometimes incorrect. For instance I physically unlocked the door and got the notification it was unlocked at the keypad but when I locked it from my PC using HA I got a notification that the keypad was unlocked by the user in slot 3 instead of locked. Below is what I have in my scripts.yaml


If anyone could point me in the right direction to get notifications working I would really appreciate it

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