Kia Uvo Integration

No, seems I had not done that. Now
I have though, but I still get the same error message.
Restarted core, still same. Rebooted HA still same

I am in EU

Then please follow these steps to enable extensive logging for the integration and you can share them over here. I remember that there was no critical data stored in the logs other than coordinates but you have not reached that point, so no critical data logged.

Here goes, I masked most values in the responses to be sure to not share anything inappropriate, how I did not mask too much…

2021-04-26 20:23:46 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [custom_components.kia_uvo.KiaUvoApi] kia_uvo - Get Device ID response {'retCode': 'S', 'resCode': '0000', 'resMsg': {'deviceId': '**MASKED**'}, 'msgId': '**MASKED**'}
2021-04-26 20:23:46 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [custom_components.kia_uvo.KiaUvoApi] kia_uvo - Get cookies {'TS012b00dd': '**MASKED**', 'account': '**MASKED**'}
2021-04-26 20:23:46 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [custom_components.kia_uvo.KiaUvoApi] kia_uvo - Sign In Response {'errId': '**MASKED**', 'errCode': '4003', 'errMsg': 'Invalid values', 'errBody': {'userId': '', 'remainCount': 4, 'remainTime': 300}}
2021-04-26 20:23:46 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.kia_uvo.config_flow] kia_uvo Exception in kia_uvo login : 'redirectUrl'

I suspect that your login credentials are invalid, please double check them. You can see the response below.

That should be next improvement to return better messages to the user.

In Response {'errId': '**MASKED**', 'errCode': '4003', 'errMsg': 'Invalid values', 'errBody': {'userId': '', 'remainCount': 4, 'remainTime': 300

Yes, could be. I purposely tried another password and got the same error which would indicate that.
However, my credentials are correctly entered, I have tripple checked then via notepad in between, and also resetted my password again just to be sure.
Thinking… Perhaps it could be a nightly sync between some internal systems or something that needs to happen, as I just migrated my account a few hours ago. In that case I guess it should work tomorrow.
Or… grasping…, the password I have is quite complex 19 characters, I don’t suppose there is a variable that only deals with lesser characters in play in your code?

It is some sort of backend sync issue. When I tried to logon using my old password before I migrated my account it worked for me…

happy to learn this

@anon63427907 thank you, working first time!

Can the distance be set to miles for the odometer and the fuel range?


For me, the range comes in in miles but the odometer comes in in km. I just use a template sensor to create an odometer in miles

Yes, it was strange that kia uvo servers returns values in different units. Can one of you create an issue in github? My proposal is to render all units using home assistant metric configuration, makes sense you guys?

What about a config parameter on integration install ? Is that possible ? In the UK we still use miles…

I believe your home assistant setup is configured to use imperial which should default to miles, right? You can check them through configuration - general section

Na, I’m set to metric. All other things are metric apart from the UK

please track over here: Support configurable distance unit (km vs miles) · Issue #33 · fuatakgun/kia_uvo · GitHub

Apologies for a most likely very simple question, but I am a bit new to both yaml, and homeassistant.
Do anyone here have an example of some lovelace code that would give me a “force_update” button on a dashboard?
I am looking for something like this below, but where the “9 minues ago” is clickable, and would perform the force_update service call when pressed

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type: grid
  - type: button
      action: call-service
      service: kia_uvo.update
      service_data: {}
      target: {}
      action: none
    name: Update
    show_icon: true
    icon: 'mdi:access-point'
  - type: button
      action: call-service
      service: kia_uvo.force_update
      service_data: {}
      target: {}
      action: none
    show_name: true
    show_state: false
    name: Force Update
    icon: 'mdi:access-point-check'
columns: 2


Hi, I installed this add-on in HACS and see it installed there. Where can I setup my username and password? Don’t see an example yaml or anything

install over HACS or manually by copying custom_components folder, restart you HA instance, go to integrations page, click Add button and search for Kia Uvo, select it and configure it on UI.

Hi, crazy. I did not see the integration. But later it was there. Maybe a typo. Thanks for all your work!!!

Just taken delivery of a Kia Soul EV and was delighted to find this integration. Despite being a bit rusty with HA everything has installed and is working well, including changing range to miles.

Many thanks @anon63427907 for putting this together.