Hi All,
I need to share some thoughts on an use case I want to implement. Use Case:
- I have a light that is triggered by a motion sensor and that disables the light after 2 min;
- Sometimes i want the light to stay on for a bit longer as i’m working in the area and the motion sensor isn’t triggering;
- I have a zigbee button. What I want is that if I press the button, the message that kills the light is holded for X amount of time.
Thoughts so far in Node Red:
- I set a flow variable (context) that is set by the button;
- I implement a SWITCH node that reads the flow variable (true/false);
- If true, it tirggers a timer of 30 min, after this it continues the flow.
How would one of you approach this? Am I making this way to complext. Love to hear your thoughts.