Kiosk mode not working after upgraede to 0.96.5

Hello guys

The other day I upgraded from HA 0.91.something to 0.96.5, After the usual hassle of making everything working again, after the changes, I thought I was home free.
I’m experiencing something very weird though. I use HADashboard as my frontend, and have a couple of lovelace cards in every dashboard. To make sure they look nice, I am including “kiosk.js” module and it has worked up till now.

If I in my profile setting leave “always hide sidepanels”, I get a full lovelace screen in the card (no kiosk mode), and if I tick it, I get an even more interessting card, with no side panels, 3 top bars and no content -and ofcourse no kiosk mode, as you can see below).

I get the above results, for both 3 versions wallmounted androids (different OS’s) with wallpanel as GUI and on my PC within Chrome, so it’s probaly not the brower or the wallpanel app, thats causing this.

I am however out of ideas of how to fix this. Does anyone have any suggestions to this ?

As a side question, but not to important, I cant restart HA from within the settings page anymore - just throws an error in the log, so I have to restart - works fine, but takes considerably longer time.
As said, not a big deal, I have seen this before, and either it solved itself, or was solved by the follwing upgrade - I honestly cant remember.


Hello guys

Now this is one of the situations, where I by stroke of luck, solved this myself (again). I tend to see a history, that whenever I’m feeling stuck and reach out for help, explaining the problem, it comes to me.

It turns out, that the cause of the situation was, my own fumbling…

I had, right after the upgrade, decided, that it could be neat to have at link to “States” and “lovelace” in the “panel_iframe” section of the configuration :slightly_smiling_face:

    title: Lovelace
    icon: mdi:wrench
    url: 'http://192.168.XXX.XXX:8123/lovelace'

And that, my friends, was causing all the trouble. I just wanted to post this, in case others run in to this peculiar problem. I have spent all evening working with versions of the wallpanel app, authentication modes in HA and dissecting my lovelace-ui, until I remembered that I had done this change.

Hope it can help others !

Reboot thing is still not working, but I can live with that.
