Kiosk Mode on Home Assistant: how do I implement the kiosk mode config?

I am a new kid on the Home Assistant block with no coding experience.

I have Kiosk Mode installed on Home Assistant.

I have a particular user I’ve setup for a tablet in the living room (user: “firehd8pluslivingroom”).

I have a Dashboard (title: “Home”) with 3 pages (titles: “Page1”, “Page2”, “Page3”)

I want to implement Kiosk Mode for user “firehd8pluslivingroom”, only for page “Page1” on Dashboard “Home”.

From the Kiosk Mode GitHub page, I know I need to place the following config code somewhere:

    - users:
        - firehd8pluslivingroom
      kiosk: true

(please correct me if I’m wrong)

In the below screenshot, where do I have to click to implement the code?

And if possible, ELI5.

Thank you in advance.

Hi, click on the three dots at the top right and then on “Edit Dashboard”.
Then we click on the three dots again and choose “Raw configuration editor”

You will now see the YAML code of our dashboard. Paste your code on the top and clic done

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But then how do I make sure it only affects “Page1”?

Could you write it or for me?

Also do I place all this code at the beginning, middle or end of the existing YAML code?

Paste the code at the very top. But will affect all the pages.

This is an exemple of kiosk mode by user

    - users:
        - "ryan meek"
        - "maykar"
      hide_sidebar: true
    - users:
        - "the wife"
      kiosk: true
      ignore_entity_settings: true
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