It would be great to be able to have a home assistant kiosk / regular user (non-developer) front-end mode set in the configuration.yaml e.g. kiosk: or non-dev: etc that:
Default shows states UI or default view.
Slide out menu that displays:
Logbook (Default visible menu item, configuration or customise.yaml controlled visible / hidden)
History (Default visible menu item, configuration or customise .yaml controlled visible / hidden)
Configuration (default menu item hidden)
Dev tools (default menu item hidden)
Shutdown or Restart
On restart kiosk / dev mode is retained until remove or commented out in configuration.yaml
Kiosk mode isn’t permanent. You have to go to the /kisosk url to get it.
I don’t use an android device so I can’t speak to why creating a shortcut doesn’t include that part of the url.
There certainly seems to be some bug with kiosk mode. I tried to create a fullscreen kiosk for the kids’ room iPad. Works fine opening the first time, but on reload the hamburger menu shows up and they can access anything.