Kitchen Cabinet digital LEDs

This project was base on this FINE project fom BRUautomation. This project share is not so much on how-to, thats been covered by Bru. This is more of a parts list for to make these LEDs work nicely and cleanly for kitchen cabinets without any soldering.

Due to my kitchen layout, I create 4 separate LED strings with 4 controllers.


Project Box



Bell Wire



Power Jacks

Using all the parts above I was able to create a small box for all the parts.



Great result!

Which lights did you end up buying and which power supply?

Love the end result, looks amazing.

I used a 12v 10a power supply, it’s a little over kill. The Leds are WS2811. Double stick tape on back of lights suck, if placing lights facing down onto counter top, u will need some 3m outdoor tape. I have 4 separate string, but they are controlled like 2 strings (top and bottom) via mqtt.

Sorry to bother you, do you have a link to the ones you bought? Thanks.