Klik Aan Klik Uit doorbell ACDB-7000AC

I’ve bought a Klik Aan Klik Uit (Kika) doorbell ACDB-7000AC. Do I need a hub to connect this to wifi and then to Home Assistant? I want to catch the signal of the doorbell and receive a snapshot of a camera when doorbell is pressed.

Checked the klik aan klik uit website. It seems a 433mhz KAKU protocol device. So you will need a rflink or similar to catch the signals.

Couldn’t find it on the site :frowning: would a Sonoff RF bridge work? So far it could not pick up the signal.

I am not able to get it to work with the sonoff but the rxftrx works great for the kaku stuff

A sonoff rf bridge does not pick up kaku signals. You need a rflink or a rxftrx. A rtl-srd might work too.

ok, will have a look on those. Thanks!!

This topic is already one year old, but I bought the same KiKa doorbell as well and used RTL-SDR to capture the signal. To this end, I created a simple add-on, which should make adding any device supported by rtl_433 rather easily. Have a look at https://github.com/gerritjandebruin/ha-rtl and let me know whether this works! It is my first add-on, so any feedback is welcome!