Hi, newbee to Home Assistant , i was wondering if somebody is using the LAN KMTronic switch on HA?
Here is some more info , still didn’t figure this out , any help appriciated
A general purpose LAN Relay controller. Features:
• Fully assembled and tested.
• Each relay has an LED to indicate when it is operated.
• Relay outputs can be used to turn ON/OFF lights, motors and other devices.
Complete including:
One LAN Eight relay controller
Required power:
12VDC / 1000 mA.
Relays have Normally Open (NO) and
Normally Closed (NC) Contacts each capable of switching max:
I have one KMTronic LAN Ethernet IP 8 channels UDP controlled Relay board and I can’t connect from Home Assistant, always ends with “failed to connect”.
Can someone confirm if exist option to add this device to Home Assistant?
any updates to UDP version?
New HA user here moved from OpenHAB 1.8 and there I have two (old) 8 channels UDP version in use to control home automation (HVAC, lights, car heater, etc.) so I really would like to use those from HA.
This is the API endpoint I figured out on my own device
but later another user pointed to the cgi script you just shared and I added the toggle service (because that’s what the cgi actually does, it doesn’t provide me the current state)
I would expect you to have an error in the logs, but I’m surprised you have an error on the UI (Lovelace) can you print screen it ?
Interesting, 1st time I’m seen such kind of error message on the front end… always learning
Could you possibly check on the KMTronic webpage what endpoint it uses to change the relay state ? is it only through the CGI service that it changes the relay state?
I checked the C# ecample code and the PHP example code - both using relays.cgi?relay=1 as endpoint and checking status with status.xml afterwards. This PHP example uses the FF0100 syntax.
If I curl the relais directly, it returns 404: File not found but the relais got turned on:
curl -u admin:admin --request GET ""