Knocki integration

Hi everyone!

We’re currently attempting to integrate Knocki into Home Assistant (HA). Knocki is a smart home device that transforms any surface into a gesture-enabled control interface for managing your favorite functions.

For our initial release, We’re aiming to execute a Home Assistant automation whenever a specific action is triggered through Knocki. Each action is identified by an ID along with a description. Knocki will send a payload to a topic configured in Home Assistant using either MQTT or WebSockets, whichever is easiest. Essentially, the payload will only contain the triggered action ID. Upon reception, Home Assistant should then verify existing automations using the action id as a trigger.

We’ve prepared a diagram illustrating the flow:

However, we have some uncertainties regarding how Home Assistant operates, such as:

We’re relatively new to Home Assistant, and any assistance you can offer would be greatly appreciated! Our aim is to keep things as straightforward as possible during this initial phase. Therefore, we believe your insights could provide valuable guidance on how to proceed.

Yes that would be best. One event for each action.

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Thank you @tom_l!

We’re excited to get our Home Assistant integration ready for the community - our customers have been requesting this for a long time.

@juanknocki do we have any other technical questions for Tom_I and/or the community?

If any of you are willing to connect with us via Slack and help out with the integration, we’d gladly throw a free Knocki your way to show our appreciation.

Hey @tom_l! We’re fairly new here. We’ve created the Event Entity and successfully instantiated our first entity. Now, we’re exploring methods to subscribe to incoming events, such as MQTT or WebSockets. What would you recommend? In your documentation (Event entity | Home Assistant Developer Docs), it’s mentioned that we need to call my_device_api.listen . Could you provide some examples or guidelines to get started on this? While I’ve begun examining examples on GitHub of your existing integrations, having a straightforward method would be greatly appreciated! Additionally, as @knocki mentioned earlier, we’re open to collaborating with anyone interested in working together.

I am not a developer, just a lowly forum moderator. You would be best to ask these questions in one of the developer channels on the Home Assistant Discord server.

@tom_l thanks for the pointer. We’ve posted our questions on HA’s Discord per your advice and already have a few folks generously offering to help. Hopefully we can get the integration out by June!

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