Known devices picture

after migrating to i uploaded .jpg files into the config folder, in the known_device.yaml i add picture: /config/david.jpg and it obviously didn’t work, im new to env and please can someone help me here?
thank you

you’ve to put them in the /www folder

thank you. where is this folder located?

you can find the www folder within the config folder

i dont have any “www” folder in the config folder :confused: should i make one?

Yes! You won’t regret it :smile:

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thank you for your help.
one last question if you dont mind, where should i point the picture path in the config yaml?

i’ve tried all options , there must be something im missing.
i’ve tried
picture: /config/www/Dani.jpg
picture: config/www/Dani.jpg
picture: /www/Dani.jpg
picture: www/Dani.jpg
picture: Dani.jpg

also gave 777 permisions to www and sub files. doesnt work :\

Hah, that was a bit (very) surprising! Luckily I just bookmarked a link to the blog post documenting it today … it says www gets exposed under /local:

So /local/Dani.jpg should be your friend.

thank you so much!

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Attention, it’s case sensitive


I have thar same issue, seems like everything is Ok and in known_devices file I have following lines:

hide_if_away: false
name: Emilia
picture: /local/emka1.jpg
track: true
vendor: unknown

I have created under /config file folder www and all piscture in this folder. case sensitiveitie checked…still nothing :frowning:

Maybe piscture should have some max size or something like this?

Many thanks for any help :slight_smile:

Best Regards

Check the directory permissions, HA probably can’t read from that directory, not sure if it’s necessary, but you can also whitelist that directory.

Thanks for advice, can you describe how to do this? I’m quite “green” if goes about such a things :frowning:

Sorry, on the road for a few.

See this link:

Check out these posts:

Thank you for links, I add thoes folders to whitelist and also now catalogue atributs with all files inside is changed to 777 and I have that same…empty icons.

What is your picture size? Maybe this is a problem?

I don’t think so.

Thanks, for this. Nope it’s not this :frowning: I have even smaller pictures size.

Also in configuration file folder is added like this:

- /config/
- /config/www

It’s correct?

I don’t have mine whitelisted, but you can try:

  • /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/www