Known_devices.yaml cant find local pictures

yes I do. I also am using the built-in let’s encrypt that is why I have the https. I can get to my home assistant internally and externally using with no problem from any device I’ve tested. Just can’t get the pictures to work.

Ok, I dont use the :8123 to access home assistant, so that is a difference between our setups that may need to be accounted for.


Not sure if that will work or not. Did you create the www folder?

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Well I’ll be…, that actually worked! Thanks! Now if I can only get home assistant to work with my netgear R8000 router for consistent (not duplicated or triplicated) device discovery I will be all set!

Glad you got it working.

Anybody know if there’s a local cache anywhere? Updating pictures with the same file name doesn’t seem to go. Tried clearing browser cache, rebooting hass etc. Renaming the pic file and reflecting the change in known devices does the trick though.

The thread is almost dead, but after a picture, add ?v=1, =2, =3, …, =n.
This will add a “version” to the picture. So, first picture. /Local/pic.jpg?v=1
When you change the picture add one, and so on. This way, you’ll won’t need to clear history and stuff.

How do you add pics to items like users and stuff? I see some that have their family under the trackers. I could not find were to change the pic of the item.

Add the file under the www folder in config. If you don’t see it, create it.
In the known_devices file add the image location. /Local/my_picture.jpg?v=1

Note, the www folder is the “local” in the link. Strange, but that’s how it works.

Great so has to be www not something else? I tried that with a directory called “images” and tried to put the picture under the pic part of known_devices file. Even adding icons did not seem to work right.

Yup, it’s gotta be www. Then put this in known_devices. picture: /local/yourpic.png

  1. Create a folder called “www”.

  2. Put a picture in the directory. ex, “house.jpg”

  3. Go into your known_devices.yaml

    hide_if_away: false
    mac: 00:04:4B:xx:xx:xx
    name: 00044bxxxxxx
    track: true
    vendor: NVIDIA

  4. In the known_devices.yaml file you will see the above stated example.

  5. Go to row “pictures:”

  6. Input the following: “/local/house.jpg” (without quotes)

  7. Reboot

Thanks worked great!! Appreciate the help been trying to get my HA setup but I have run into many issue and the instructions are vague at times.