Known working USB cameras

I have a bunch of ESPHome based cameras, mainly monitoring my 3D printers.

However, to reduce the amount of wifi clients, and because of the questionable image quality, I want to replace them with USB cameras directly connected to my HA running on an Intel NUC.

I’d prefer to manage them directly in HA (using an ffmpeg camera integration) but using MotionEye is also an option, although I prefer to keep things as simple as possible.

I’ve recently bought an 5MP USB autofocus camera on AliExpress and while working on my laptop I can’t get it to work on HA nor MotionEye.

Therefore, I wonder what USB camers (webcams) are used by the community and are known to be working.

Good evening @khenderick,

You may find this helpful. Is what I found when I went searching for it. But I have no experience with it.