Knx and Zigbee lightning


Which is the best way to integrate both systems?

Option 1: on/off is controlled by the knx bus, dimming/color by HA. The problem is that when the knx actor cuts the power, the lights forget their dimming/color state as they lack a memory function. Not nice, but still works when something on the HA side stops working

Option 2: The knx actor telegram goes to HA and then a zigbee gateway. The zigbee lights are turned off, but still have power and remember the last state. Very nice, but what happens when something on the HA side stops working?

Is there a way to normally use option 2 and automatically fall back to option 1 in case something goes wrong?

Or I am thinking everything wrong and there is a better way to integrate both systems?

Thnaks for your help.

Anyone that can say something?

I’m trying to set up my KNX installation, so it knows if HA is running or not.
When running => only send the telegram to HA.
When not running, fallback to default => switch the light itself

Hi Jens,

Thanks, looks interesting. I only hope that doing it in that way doesn’t causes a noticeable delay in the light response.

Would really appreciate if you can later share how it is actually working.

I’m still renovating my house, so i didn’t really got to it yet. Will be for August/September probably.
I will keep you posted.

Hi there,

I managed to switch a Hue light with a KNX switch, it was easy with Node Red:

1- Create a Group Address in the ETS program that contains your KNX switch Communication Object.

2- Add this GA to your HA configuration using the KNX integration.

3- In Node-Red use a HA events:state to catch the switch state, using a switch node send this state to a corresponding call service to turn on/off your hue light/group.

4- If desired, you can always create a new GA that will switch off the corresponding channel if you happen to have a switch actor and wish to cut the power to the light.

Thats it.