KNX Climate heating actuator MDT

Create an entity (sensor) and use its state in a template entity.
Or use the climate entities attribute (hvac_action) in a template sensor.

Could you solve your Problem? What was the problem?

Hey Guys thank you at all that thread is really helpfull.
One more question i have. how can i configure and display the actual valve opening in percentage. In German it means Stellwert of the valve ? I have configured that he will sent the value when it is changed. But which variable it is in Homeassistant. It is under the climate or do i have to create a sensor for that ?

You can use climates command_value_state_address - it uses the value to determine idle / heating. And iirc it also sets an entity attribute.
Other than that you can always use a sensor.

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Thanks Matthias,
command_value_state_address im using alread for this i try to change my card for this maybe i will get a better graphical solution. If not i have to configure a sensor for it.

Another problem i have like we already talked in the discord.

If i change the HVAC Mode from Komfort to Night or Standby the Sollwert remains the actual one. But i want that the Sollwert will change to the Night or Standby temperature. In the ETS i can just config the Sollwertverschiebung for that Modes with -3K from the Sollwert. Which value i have to configure in the Homeassistant config and which KNX adress i need to use ? Somebody can help ?

So with help of Matthias i got a final configuration which is working fine for me in HA
This is working with MDT Glastaster I and MDT Heating Aktor AKH0800.002

  # Wohnzimmer
  - name: "Heizung Wohnzimmer"
    temperature_address: "2/1/30" # Temperaturmesswert
    temperature_step: 0.5
    target_temperature_address: "2/1/34" # Aktueller Sollwert
    target_temperature_state_address: "2/1/34" # Aktueller Sollwert
    command_value_state_address: "2/1/32" # Status Stellwert
    setpoint_shift_address: "2/1/33" # Sollwertverschiebung
    setpoint_shift_state_address: "2/1/33" # Sollwertverschiebung (lesend)
    setpoint_shift_mode: "DPT9002" # 2byte
    setpoint_shift_max: 3
    setpoint_shift_min: -3
    operation_mode_address: "2/1/35" # Betriebsmodus
    operation_mode_state_address: "2/1/36" # Betriebsmodus status


hopefully anybody can help. I’m triyng to get a hager knx easy climate connfiguration (txm646R) working in my home assistant.

So far so good. I can change mode, I can change the temperature and it shows me the setpoint.

But I would like to have the target temperature shown in the climate card and not the shift point.

Unfortunately there is no adress I could figure out where I can read the temperature state adress.

Can anybody help?

Here is my knx configuration:

And here is my home assistant configuration:

Screenshot 2023-09-29 123748

here the difference between my app and home assistant

Screenshot 2023-09-29 124121

It sets the shiftpoint to the configured mode. In that case 21° so shiftpoint 1,0 which is 22°.

Is it possible or do I need to create help entitiys to calculate the target temperature?

Edit: I think “Sollwert Heizung 8Byte” Could be the one. Unfortunately it shows NULL.

First of all, thank you for publishing the configuration. I have made the same settings in ETS and HA. However, I noticed that after a certain time, the setpoint and the operating mode change.

Do you have the same problem?

I’ve the following Problem in Home Assistant:
In general the Operating Modes of all termostats should be “Komfort”. So after I configured all rooms, I set every termostat to “Komfort”. But after a few Minutes the Operating Mode changed back to “Abwesend”. I don’t understand why.

Here are my rts settings:

I also have a MDT Glastaster and the MDT Heating Aktor.
With but when I add the “climate” part to my configuration.yaml none of the KNX entities are avaible any more. But I don’t understand why:

    - name: "Licht Büro"
      address: "1/1/20"
      state_address: "1/1/21"
    - name: "Rollo Büro"
      move_long_address: "2/1/42"
      stop_address: "2/1/43"
      position_address: "2/1/44"
      position_state_address: "2/1/45"
    - name: "Büro"
      temperature_address: "3/1/6" #Temperaturmesswert
      temperature_step: 0.5
      target_temperature_address: "3/1/8" #Aktueller Sollwert
      target_temperature_state_address: "3/1/8" #Aktueller Sollwert
      setpoint_shift_address: "3/1/9" #Sollwertverschiebung
      setpoint_shit_state_address: "3/1/9" #Sollwertverschiebung
      setpoint_shift_mode: "DPT9002" #2byte
      setpoint_shift_max: 3
      setpoint_shift_min: -3
      min_temp: 10
      max_temp: 30

can someone help me?

Have a look at the logs. Open your Home Assistant instance and show your Home Assistant logs.

Thank you!!!
the problem was that I need the setpoint_shift_address and state_address.
And there was a typing error :see_no_evil:

Maybe the used duplicate addresses aren’t working.
My config:

  # readflag for *_state_address at ETS

  - name: "Büro"
    temperature_address: 1/3/0
    #target_temperature_address: 1/3/1
    target_temperature_state_address: 1/3/5
    setpoint_shift_address: 1/3/2
    setpoint_shift_state_address: 1/3/6
    setpoint_shift_mode: "DPT9002"
    setpoint_shift_step: 0.5
    heat_cool_state_address: 0/3/11
    command_value_state_address: 1/3/7

Ah, now I see it too :rofl:

Same address for address and state address shouldn’t be a problem.

Someone has a neat solution for integrating the valve into climate?


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I’m struggeling when setting a new target temperature.

    - name: "Climate"
      temperature_address: "1/2/10"
      temperature_step: 0.5
      target_temperature_address: "3/3/2"
      target_temperature_state_address: "1/2/11"
      command_value_state_address: "3/2/2"
      min_temp: 18.0
      max_temp: 25.0

3/3/2: 20.5
1/2/11: 21
1/2/10: 20.2
3/2/2: 49%

I changed 1/2/11 from 20.5°C to 21.0°C- FHEM recognizes it correct, but HA still shows 20.5°C…

Hard to say without knowing your ETS GA connections or a Group monitor screenshot.

Wouldn’t you set 3/3/2 for the new value and get the new status from 1/2/11

Exactly what I would expect. I changed the value not via HA but via MDT Glass Push-button II Smart.

And I can confirm that the value for 1/2/11 is now 21 - the right new set target temperature.

But HA seems to not have received this value properly?

Okay group monitor proofes it was send: