KNX Climate heating actuator MDT

Thank you!!!
the problem was that I need the setpoint_shift_address and state_address.
And there was a typing error :see_no_evil:

Maybe the used duplicate addresses aren’t working.
My config:

  # readflag for *_state_address at ETS

  - name: "Büro"
    temperature_address: 1/3/0
    #target_temperature_address: 1/3/1
    target_temperature_state_address: 1/3/5
    setpoint_shift_address: 1/3/2
    setpoint_shift_state_address: 1/3/6
    setpoint_shift_mode: "DPT9002"
    setpoint_shift_step: 0.5
    heat_cool_state_address: 0/3/11
    command_value_state_address: 1/3/7

Ah, now I see it too :rofl:

Same address for address and state address shouldn’t be a problem.

Someone has a neat solution for integrating the valve into climate?


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I’m struggeling when setting a new target temperature.

    - name: "Climate"
      temperature_address: "1/2/10"
      temperature_step: 0.5
      target_temperature_address: "3/3/2"
      target_temperature_state_address: "1/2/11"
      command_value_state_address: "3/2/2"
      min_temp: 18.0
      max_temp: 25.0

3/3/2: 20.5
1/2/11: 21
1/2/10: 20.2
3/2/2: 49%

I changed 1/2/11 from 20.5°C to 21.0°C- FHEM recognizes it correct, but HA still shows 20.5°C…

Hard to say without knowing your ETS GA connections or a Group monitor screenshot.

Wouldn’t you set 3/3/2 for the new value and get the new status from 1/2/11

Exactly what I would expect. I changed the value not via HA but via MDT Glass Push-button II Smart.

And I can confirm that the value for 1/2/11 is now 21 - the right new set target temperature.

But HA seems to not have received this value properly?

Okay group monitor proofes it was send:

Created a second example:

    - name: "EG Büro Heizung"
      temperature_address: "0/6/36"
      temperature_step: 0.5
      target_temperature_address: "3/3/3"
      target_temperature_state_address: "0/6/37"
      command_value_state_address: "3/2/3"
      min_temp: 18.0
      max_temp: 25.0

Changed from 19.5 to 20.0


But I’m wondering about this:

Maybe I need to check my ETS settings again…

Yes probably. And when you are at it, unless you use routing with multiple areas maybe try to clean up your individual addresses. 12.0.1 looks a bit awkward. This may lead to problems with couplers.


I’m also struggeling with the correct config. My current config looks like it would work, but it doesn’t. I can set a target temp but the actuator seems to ignore it.
Here are some screenshots from ETS and HA - hopefully @farmio or somebody else can help me - Thank you in advance!

Lovelace dashboard:

Developer settings screen in HA:

KNX config in HA YAML config:


Hi :wave:!
1bit setpoint shift setup doesn’t work with HA.Id recommend to use 2byte float if your actuator supports it. Also see if you can get a GA with a dedicated state object.
A proper configuration should be found somewhere in this thread.

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I use the 2 Byte Shift. But after power off HomeAssistent and KNX at the same time the shift is back to 0.
Does have anyone a solution? Next week i will test shifting over the comfort setpoint. I don’t know If it works also with the Glastaster, but Not important because for the Temperature settings is use only HomeAssistent.

Hello together,

I have the issue that my thermostat in the UI is not working properly

If I use following config. The current and the target temperature is shown correctly:

  - name: "Büro Thermostat"
    temperature_address: "5/1/0" # Temperaturmesswert
    target_temperature_state_address: "5/1/1" # Aktueller Sollwert

but when I add the target temperature it’s not working properly → target_temperature_address

  - name: "Büro Thermostat"
    temperature_address: "5/1/0" # Temperaturmesswert
    target_temperature_state_address: "5/1/1" # Aktueller Sollwert
    target_temperature_address: "5/1/6" # Aktueller Sollwert

The temperature is changed successfully on the KNX bus and the MDT Glastaster II when I change it in the UI

But when I change the target temperature on the Glastaster II the UI / thermostat is not showing the new target temperature in the UI as before without:

The value is arriving correctly in home assistant:

also the legacy openHAB instance is showing the new target value from the bus correctly.

Is that a bug in Home Assistant or I’m configuring it wrong?

Hi :wave:!

Is there a telegram received to your target_temperature_address after target_temperature_state_address? This would update the shown value.

You were right! My KNX electrician fixed it - hopefully everything keeps working :upside_down_face:

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Hi together,
i’m sorry… i’m an absolute newbie :wink: with a short question…
I added my heating actor to HA which is working fine. Now i want to add e.g. the
temperature_address to a card (only this value to the yaml) in my dashboard. How can i do this? i do not find this value as an entity :frowning:

Like with the wind sensore

  - entity: sensor.wetterstation_windgeschwindigkeit
   - path: default_view
     title: Home
       - user: 83d0884f31b74d25a022ae9e5f99a344
     badges: []
       - type: entities
           - sensor.wetterstation_windgeschwindigkeit

Sorry… i have a problem with the climate…

here more details

in my knx.yaml i defined

  - name: "Büro"
    temperature_address: "5/1/13" # Sensoren_Schalter-Temperatur
    setpoint_shift_address: "4/1/99"

so i get the heating control in the dash board.
Now i only want to use temperature_address in a room card

type: custom:room-card
title: Testzimmer

  • entity: climate.buro.???

but i do not know, how to have access to the temperature_address in the card

shot update…
I added in the knx.yaml an additional sensor


  • name: “Test Heizsensor Büro”
    state_address: “5/1/13”
    type: temperature

with this i have an entity which i can use in the room-card. But is this the correct way, to set up ONE knx group address to more domains?

I got my HA with the MDT actuator working. Is there a way to display the current operation_mode in the standard HA card without opening the details for it?