KNX Thermostat climate modes bug out

I have a MDT 8-fold temperature controller installed with KNX to regulate temperatures around my house.
The thermostats work as they are meant to, but after some time when i try to change the mode from comfort to anything else, the temperature gets set to the lowest possible point which is 7 degrees. To fix it i have to reset the whole knx interface and then it loads up with default values that do not match the setpoints i have configured in the KNX settings.

Is this a KNX problem, configuration problem or is this caused by home assistant interfering with something and then it breaking?

configuration for the thermostat:

- name: "Room 2 KNX Thermostat"
      temperature_address: "11/1/0"
      operation_mode_address: "11/5/3"
      operation_mode_state_address: "11/5/2"
      target_temperature_state_address: "11/5/4"
      on_off_address: "11/5/0"
      on_off_state_address: "11/5/1"
      setpoint_shift_address: "11/5/5"
      setpoint_shift_state_address: "11/5/7"
      setpoint_shift_min: -7
      setpoint_shift_max: 7
      active_state_address: "11/5/0"
      heat_cool_state_address: "11/5/0"
      min_temp: 15
      max_temp: 30
        - "Heat"
        - "Off"

11/1/0 = temperature sensor
11/5/3 = Mode Selection (HVAC mode)
11/5/2 = DPT_HVAC Mode Status
11/5/4 = Current setpoint
11/5/0 = Control value Heating (switch)
11/5/1 = heater statuses
11/5/5 = Manual setpoint shift (2byte)
11/5/7 = Status setpoint shift

Hi :wave:!

These are not meant to refer to the same GA. Have a look at the entity documentation to see what each items do.

Remove this. You are not using controller mode, so there should not be a need to set that.

Maybe also remove min_temp and max_temp as this should be set by setpoint_shift_min according to preset.

I’d recommend to have a look here KNX Climate heating actuator MDT - #136 by apfelklaus , fix your yaml config and see if the problem persists.
If it does, try to have a look at the GroupMonitor and/or status/debug objects of your actuator to see what is going on.

  • I have removed active_state_address and heat_cool_state_address as i do not need those.
  • I have removed controller modes and the min max temp

Reloaded configuration, problem still persists and group monitor doesn’t tell me a lot more than home assistant does. Temperature still gets set to 7 degrees if i change it to any mode other than comfort.

Also, when i mentioned the whole KNX has to reset for it to load up again, the default temperature value gets set to 23 degrees, but i have it set to 21. Not sure if it contributes to this issue but it potentially might

It’s hard to help further without more info like a screenshot of a group monitor when the problem occurs and a screenshot of ETS showing actuator objects and GA associations and maybe settings.

Maybe even post it in the topic linked above as there are probably some users of your specific actuator subscribed.

screenshot of the group monitor when the problem occurs:

GA 11/5/0:

GA 11/5/1:

GA 11/5/2:

GA 11/5/3:

GA 11/5/4:

GA 11/5/5:

GA 11/5/7:

Controller settings:


Video of what happens in Home Assistant:

Looks fine for me. The actuator reports 7°C when switching to Economy…
No idea how this is possible with base temperature of 20°C and max. setpoint shift of 7K… but that seems like an actuator issue to me.

I see…

I’ll try and look for an issue around the actuator then, thanks for your help!

Hi. Could you find out? I have the same problem.

No, but it stopped happening after some time so i didn’t look into it afterwards. All i’ve done since then was remove group addresses that weren’t required for it’s functionality.