KNX Climate heating actuator MDT

Hi together,
could youn please check my configuration?

thank you in advance

  climate: #Heizung
    - name: "Küche"
#      heat_cool_address: '0/4/0'
      temperature_address: '2/0/0'                      # Ist Wert
      target_temperature_state_address: '2/1/0'         # Soll Wert             
      setpoint_shift_address: '2/3/0'                   # Sollwertverschiebung
      setpoint_shift_state_address: '2/3/0'             # Sollwertverschiebung (lesend)
      setpoint_shift_mode: 'DPT9002'                    # 2byte
      setpoint_shift_max : 3
      setpoint_shift_min : -3
      setpoint_shift_step: 0.5
      temperature_step: 0.5 
      min_temp: 15
      max_temp: 28
setpoint_shift_address: '2/3/0'
setpoint_shift_state_address: '2/3/0' 

see communication object 106 and 107. Sollwertverschiebung - you wrote it in the comments.
It also seems that it is set to 1 byte, not DPT9002 - 2 byte
your step is set to 0.1

… have you even had a look at your configuration yourself?

hey matthias,
thank you!

so, at first i will change step to 0.1 in my knx.yaml!
then i will add 2 new groupadresses - setpoint_shift_adress to 106 and setpoint_shift_state_adress to 107?

No. 106 is the state. It says “Ausgang”.
Also remove setpoint_shift_mode

Hi, I have the same MDT AKH-0800.02 and made my konfiguration the same as you but nothing happens…

Is it possible to share your ETS config too? It would be a big help.

Thank you :slight_smile:

You will have to enable the Read-flag for the “Sollwertverschirbung” communication object of the actuator - the one you are using in setpoint_shift_state_address
And be sure to use the correct mode - 1byte is DPT 6 and 2byte DPT 9. 1bit is not supported.

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you have to set like this

Any solution when I cannot set the “Read” Flag (because I am using ETS Inside)?

Call / write to MDT explaining that this is needed. Maybe they can ship it in an application update with the read-flag set by default or with a status communication object when enough users complain. Or they have some other solution.

Meanwhile use the same address as for setpoint_shift_address and set it once from bus after HA restart.

Hi all,

Thank you for this great thread. I’ve read it twice and tried to get my mdt heating working. As literally everybody, I have the issue that I cannot set/save a target temperature. Actually i’m wondering about this step:

Both KOs have different data types: “Sollwertverschiebung” has 9.002 (Temperaturdifferenz K) whereas “Status Sollwert” has 5.001 (Prozent 0…100). So it isn’t possible to put them both on the same GA. Am I missing something here?

My current configuration is as follows. Do you have an idea? Happy to update and share a final and working configuration with the community.

    - name: "Arbeitszimmer"
      temperature_address: '5/0/130'                     # Ist Wert
      target_temperature_state_address: '5/3/130'        # Aktueller Sollwert             
      setpoint_shift_address: '5/2/130'                  # Sollwertverschiebung (lesend)
      setpoint_shift_state_address: '5/2/130'            # Status Stellwert
      setpoint_shift_mode: 'DPT9002'                     # 2byte
      setpoint_shift_max : 3
      setpoint_shift_min : -3
      setpoint_shift_step: 0.5
      temperature_step: 0.5
      operation_mode_address: '5/4/130'                  # Betriebsartvorwahl
      operation_mode_state_address: '5/5/130'            # DPT_HVAC Status
      min_temp: 15
      max_temp: 28

Unfortunately new user can only add one pic per post.

Change this to 5/2/130. That’s what I meant - use the same CO (and therefore GA) for both configs keys.

you can use 5/1/130 for command_value_state_address - it’s the opening % of the valve - so the result of the regulator.

Remove setpoint_shift_step: 0.5 that’s deprecated.

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Ok, great! This actually seems to work. Thank you! Will edit the config above.

One thing I’ve noticed, after a quick test. It looks like the operation mode is switch to “Away” automatically. Would it help to set the read flag also for the GA “operation_mode_address: 5/4/130”?

No. Only *_state_address have to have a read flag set. For the others it doesn’t matter.

See Log telegrams to see which / if a knx telegram is resetting it.

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Ok, thanks. I will track this and follow up here if needed.

Hello Guys,

Ive been reading this Thread for a while because i had just the same problem. I wasnt able to fix the “whole” thing until now. I am just able to adjust the Temperature using Home Assistant by moving the slider. But there is one issue i cant get rid off:

Lets say i have put the target temperature from 21° to 23° by using Home Assistant. When I go to my MDT Glass Switch it also displays this target temeperature correctly.

BUT: The internal target temperature of the Glass Switch still seems to be at 21°. Because when I now want to adjust the temperature by using the Glass Switch it changes from 23° to 21.5°. So somehow it seems the Switch did just “display” the Home Assistant adjustment but not more.

Anyone know how to solve this?

Is the switch providing the regulator or is there an explicit device?
There are a million ways to config a HA entity, the regulator and the switch :man_shrugging:

Sorry if my english is not that good. With Switch I mean “MDT Glastaster 2 Smart”. It has a built in temperature measurement. This is what it looks like in HA:

- name: "Büro"
  temperature_address: "2/3/3"
  target_temperature_state_address: "2/2/3"
  setpoint_shift_mode: "DPT9002"
  setpoint_shift_address: "2/1/3"
  setpoint_shift_step: 0.5
  temperature_step: 0.5
  setpoint_shift_state_address: "2/1/3"

And the ETS:

Is deprecated.

Where is 2/2/3 from?

But it is mentioned in the documentation?

Oh, 2/2/3 is the “Sollwert” / target Temperature and it is already readable.