KNX dimmer config


Pretty new to knx integration and ran into a little problem, I want to control the dimming from this

and have it show the status of the dimmer if the switches are used. I got the on/off working

Could someone point me in the direction of a solution, the dimmer in ETS is configured to get status switch state from object switch/status

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

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You’ll need a brightness (and eventually brightness status) group address as well. Then configure your light following the documentation

I got that far but got stuck in finding the group objects I need to use :confused:

Which dimmer actor are you using? I guess you have ETS - you could post a screenshot of available communication objects here. I can help you identify the right ones.


it’s an ABB universal dimmer UD/S 2.300.2

You will need object 13 or 38 (A or B). If these objects are not already in an existing group address just create a new one.
In HA use this group address as brightness_address and brightness_state_address as there are no dedicated state communication objects.

Thaaaaaaank you farmio, that did the trick :+1::+1::+1::+1:

Reviving this old post, since I have the exact same issue and it might help others, too.

Reading the brightness works (if I dim the light with my KNX wall switch, the correct value is reflected by HA in Lovelace, e.g.).

But if I try to dim via HA/Lovelace, the physical light does not change at all.

Here my ETS screenshot (Merten LL REG-K/4x230):

and my YAML:

    - name: "XXX Decke"
      address: "1/2/11"
      state_address: "1/2/13"
      brightness_address: "1/2/12"
      brightness_state_address: "1/2/38"

No change, if I use “1/2/38” also as “brightness_address”, btw.

Any idea?

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Never mind, solved it myself, but will keep it here as a knowledge library :wink:

“brightness_adress” has to be linked to object “12” (above, ETS)

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