Knx dimming light

Hello everybody,

Sorry in advance - I’m new to HA and not very well-versed to knx in general.
Our electrician did all the installation and programming. I just got a text file with all the addresses.
I’m trying to get my dimmers rigtht. I managed to turn the lights on and off but I can’t dimm them.

Here are the knx addresses I have:

|Licht/Steckdosen.Licht Dimmen und Gruppen.1/3/12|Wohnzimmer schalten|EIS 1 ‘Switching’ (1 Bit)|Low|0/0/2 0/0/3|
|Licht/Steckdosen.Licht Dimmen und Gruppen.1/3/13|Wohnzimmer dimmen|EIS 2 ‘Dimming - control’ (4 Bit)|Low||
|Licht/Steckdosen.Licht Dimmen und Gruppen.1/3/14|wohnzimmer wert|Uncertain (1 Byte)|Low||

Thats my configuration in HA:

- name: 'Wohnzimmer Dimmer"
  address: '1/3/13'
  state_address: '1/3/14'
  brightness_address: '1/3/13' 

I’m reading threads for weeks, but I can’t find the solution.

Hopefully someone can help me.

4bit dimming is not supported by HA directly - only setting the % value directly (like you have for the state). Ask your electrician to add a GA for setting an absolute value too - every knx Dimmer should support this.
So your 1/3/13 should not be configured in a light yaml config at all.
You may also want a on/off state (DPT1) to reflect the state properly on init.

1/3/14 should be brightness_state_address.

Thank you for the quick response!
I was afraid that contacting our electrician will be the answer.
There are a lot of knx components which probably need to be configured new :frowning:
I already had a lot of problems in OpenHab and tried to find a better solution in Home Assistant but it every time ends up on the bad programming in ETS.

You could try something like this:

    - name: "Wohnzimmer Dimmer"
      address: '1/3/12'
      state_address: '1/3/12'
      brightness_address: '1/3/14'
      brightness_state_address: '1/3/14'

see the Open your Home Assistant instance and show your Home Assistant logs. if there are errors like
Could not sync group address '1/3/12' (or 1/3/14) after a reload. If there are, these are not readable (don’t have the Read-Flag set in ETS - which should be set for state addresses, but not for control-only addresses). Remove the *state_address form your config then.
If 1/3/14 is a state_address you will porbably not be able to set a brightness from HA, but changes you make (eg. from a KNX wall switch) will be reflected in HA UI.

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It’s working!!! No error in the logs. That’s a great Christmas present you did to me - thank you very much!!!

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Sorry Matthias, I think my case is similar to this. how can I add a GA. btw what is GA, could you give me any guide for this? I think I have to do this by myself.


Hi :wave:!
In a Knx context, GA means Group address. They are assigned via ETS.

Thanks, Matthias. that totally makes sense to me now.

Thanks, Matthias. I researched for a while. finally, I assigned a GA to dimmer value. now everything is working.

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