KNX Home Assistant Integration

Hi guys,

I have tried to integrate my KNX to my HA which I had going a few days and all of a sudden it doesn’t work? I tried restarting and reboot both KNX and HA side, and after completing KNX integration it says “success” but then I get the error “Retrying setup: Tunnel Connection could not be established”

I have the correct IP address for sure because I’ve obtained it from the ETS6 software.

Log Details 
Logger: homeassistant.config_entries
First occurred: 12:38:31 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:38:31 PM

Config entry 'Secure Tunneling @' for knx integration not ready yet: Tunnel connection could not be established; Retrying in background

I haven’t updated to the new version yet so I’m unsure what’s wrong. I have tried manual config of secure IP tunnel and by exporting the security key ring.

Hi :wave:!

Did the secure connection work as well before?
What Knx ip interface are you using?
What HA version are you using now?
Is there something else connecting to the interface (ETS, NodeRed etc) blocking the configured tunnel?

Have a look at the logs to find more information about why the connection failed.

Yeah the secure connection worked before just fine.

I am using the WEINZIERL IP Interface 732 Secure
HA version is 2022.8.1
I do use the IP interface to connect to ETS and I don’t use Node Red.

I have also tried disabling my firewall just incase it was blocking the port.

I added everything I could find in the logs? I have it running temporarily by disabling secure tunneling in ETS however, I would like to connect using the secure feature.

There has to be more in the logs - try viewing the “full log output” or just the file.
In case there really isn’t see

Your HA version should work fine for TCP and Secure (which are TCP as well) connections. There are also no differences in used ports (for firewall). But I’d recommend to update nevertheless.

Also your interface should be supported just fine. Did you have ETS connected when trying to connect from HA?

Hey man,

I think I may have had ETS on? I’ll give it another go and see if I can get more information on the logs.

Edit: but last time I had ETS Application open too. That’s how I got the user ID/ Passwords. I cannot seem to get the logs to give me more information - bit new to the logs section of everything. I did add the debugging part you linked via the documentation.

Tried with ETS application closed and it didn’t change anything.

I can connect via tunneling as long as I do it without secure.

The log information are stored in theconfiguration directory as home-assistant.log.
You can also view it from UI by using the “Load full logs” (or similar / translated) button on the bottom of Open your Home Assistant instance and show your Home Assistant logs.

Having ETS application open vs. having an established connection from it (to the same tunnel endpoint) - eg. running GroupAddress monitor - would make the difference.