KNX missing value type 'scaling speed' 225.001

I’m trying to connect a knx group address, value type ‘scaling speed’ 225.001 to HA, see attached file. unfortunately this value type is not mentioned in the documentation.

Is it possible to add support or is there a workaround to send values from HA to the group address with e.g. service knx.send or python?


Hi :wave:!
This is not a valid (or even implemented) sensor type because it is 2 values in one payload - which we can’t really handle in one HA sensor entity.

You can always use knx.send to send arbitrary raw payloads to the bus using a list (iterable) as payload, omitting the type attirbute. List length would have to match dpt payload length.

It would be possible to add support for this to xknx’s light device class to use it from HA for transition service calls. If you like to help, PRs are always welcome. xknx/xknx/devices/ at 48dd002aa78c9cbcc450581dc7dc18be6ce4f0b1 · XKNX/xknx · GitHub

thanks a lot, the raw payloads did it for me. here is an example for anybody who is struggling:

service: knx.send
address: 0/3/53
- 0
- 60
- 255

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may i ask you an additional question? I would like to replace a list value of the payload with a variable, is that possible?


Sure, enter the world of templating

Just make sure your template result is still a list.

If you had any success setting up a template for this, please share it.

      - service: knx.send      
            - 0/3/53                     
          payload: >-                
            {%- set brightness = 255 | string -%}
            {%- set transition = 20 | string  -%}                
            {%- set payload_var = "[0, " + transition + ", " + brightness + "]" -%}                        
            {{ payload_var }}   
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Cool :+1:
To my understanding

{{0, transition, brightness}}
# or
{{0, 20, 255}}

Would also output a list.

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