KNX - relative dimming for lights

This is not a modified version of my blueprint.
It instructs to create a Knx light entity for a non-Knx light. I would never recommend that.


I ceased using that, too :slight_smile: Did not work, and I found Massimo’s integration with Nodered. Thanks for the clarification!

The KNX dim up / dim down commands are to fast for Philips Hue. That’s why a long button push set’s a fix value.

If you want another value than 50% you can configure it in the automation.

With this approach you are using knx push buttons as input to control hue lights over an automation.

All good, nothing bad happens :wink:

PS: I woudn’t plan my whole house with this approch neighter, but it is very usefull to integrate some decorative lights.

I wanted to setup dimming via my Gira switches but found that this automation does not what I expected.
I configured my switches to keep sending the relative dimming telegrams while I press the switch button.
This automation did not take this into account and just dimmed by a fixed value over time.
I therefore created a fork that handles the individual dimming messages for 12.5, 25 and 50% and adjusts the percentage of the brightness directly.
Hope this helps others: KNX - relative dimming for lights blueprint · GitHub

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